Rain on me

6f8b5a5805b609c6cd2610ffb8cc708aOne can choose to splash and dash for cover, or run barefoot in glee for the refreshing! Beneath the crashing, surround sound thunder and light crackled sky, the drenching rain felt extra invigorating!  The rainbirds, the harbingers of our crystal clear droplets… did sing loudly before the dark clouds poured out.  A light drizzle quickly turned into a hallelujah hail and the whole earth soaked it up! Morning dew drops well up in the atmosphere for a long, streaming gush of water.  A heavenly tradition we celebrate with great joy!  Before the pour, the sprinkle lets us…be baptized, like a bird splashing in God’s freedom fountain.  The first puddles are glorious, and we stomp with joy as it washes and refreshes. Rain widens 20140212-201638and ripples the circumference of all that we can imagine. It fills and overflows buckets into lakes, rivers and streams.  The Ocean is it’s grandma, always welcoming the wet to fill her pantry.  The earth bursts into bloom with plenty of room for more and more rain. It is what moistens and feeds all that thirsts for life.  It soaks the sands, it softens hands. Rain gushes into barrels and swirls down drains.  It ushers us into gladness for a time to wear galoshes.  Our soul looks up, our mouth fills with wet drops, we smile wide and then shout a praise to our RainMaker, our God of all glory!  Re-charged, fully satisfied we

rejoice in all things from above! 0f47102e65e4cc3cb3a745579d2962e2Go ahead and get soaked! Armed with an umbrella, or not…. like a child we are electrified and ready to pounce! Silently squealing “I’m blest”! Do we not slumber best in the dashing, crashing pour of rain?  Ahhh, the rain, let it twinkle on the rooftops and make me snore!

First thunderstorm and down pour of rain at Lakeside, a time of great rejoicing!

Delight in the constant provision of God

May 14, 2022 we enjoyed the first rain along the shores of an 800 year old fishing village, at Chapala Lakeside. Our electricity went out for an hour, but then we snuffed out the candles as the clocks began ticking again. During the pause of time, we scurried up the ladder to access our roof. We watched God demonstrate His power. The ominous sky lit up as thunder crashed. All of what makes us humbly aware of our Creator, and our Father’s love. The mighty bolts electrify all things growing with necessary nitrogen. How majestic, how Awesome is our God to specifically design streaks of light that trigger the rapid onset of growth and blooming. Natural nitrogen occurs as God lights up the sky across the globe with over 3 million strikes a week. God’s Way is electric as He provides all the necessary components needed for strong development. He produces dense, massive yields of crops for our food supply, as He causes flowers to burst in color. Praise God in every storm! AMEN

8 thoughts on “Rain on me

  1. Alright, you completely impressed me with your incredible, spontaneous poetry. I was there feeling the expectant exuberance that comes from the pre-rain smells and the positive ions already starting to usher-in joy. I felt the euphoria of realizing that this is a special event given by an extravagantly generous God, who gives rain freely and mercifully, to the righteousness and unrighteousness. I was joyfully smiling as Kim read your inspired artwork, because I was there feeling everything that you felt and I am sure that it couldn’t possibly have been expressed better. Barb, it’s a masterpiece of spontaneous art. What else can a poetry-loving guy say? Thanks for Sharing – Carter Nystrom

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Carter, another published poet, your words of encouragement mean you too have been given the GIFT of written GAB from GOD – who is the giver of all that is GOOD. Thanks for taking the time to email me this comment. Gloria de Dios.


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