Rejection / Entitlement


Today many have been raised within a society of ‘selfie’ posting. Is it any wonder why the mental disorder of Narcissism is on the rise? We have all been rejected at some point, by someone. We have all met people who seem to have zero compassion. We all know folks who must have all the attention, all the time. To be a confirmed Narcissist, those people BELIEVE that their opinion is the only one that counts. A Narcissist would rather be admired than liked. IF YOU EXPEREINCED rejection by a parent, a sibling, a co-worker, a friend, do not take pity on yourself, but pray AGAINST the spirit of rejection.

If you are easily offended, you may be tormented by the spirit of rejection. PRAY:

Dear heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, i ask You to forgive me for my fear of being rejected by You or any person in my life. I ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind any person who denied me affection. Cause me to remember any person who has ever rejected me so that I can reconcile my thoughts about them in accordance to God’s Word and will. (PAUSE and write down names.) In the name of Jesus, because my Father has forgiven me, out of obedience, today I choose to forgive myself for any bitterness held against __________. With authority I forgive myself for fearing rejection of anyone as I focus my attention on who I am in Christ Jesus. Because God has forgiven me, out of obedience, I choose to forgive myself for any self-hate, or self-condemnation for not living up to the expectations of man. In the name of Jesus, I cancel all Satan’s power and authority over me. I praise God for who He says I am. I am the apple of His eye and He is well pleased that I look to Him for my identity. Holy Spirit, heal my heart, and tell me Your truth. (write down the word, the scripture, the memory that the Holy Spirit gives you.)

Satan knows your potential for the kingdom of God before you were born. Any torment towards you, even rejection, is to defeat you, to cause confusion, sadness, and doubt God’s sovereignty. Rejection is the most devastating human emotion and Jesus felt it. Did you know that 80% of the world population were not wanted? Rejection causes us to self-hate; self-destruct; feel ignored; abandoned and insignificant. All of us were created in God’s image, male and female. IF you were: 1) Conceived out of wedlock. 2) Parents expected the opposite sex? 3) Divorce 4) Sexual abuse. 5) Physical defects. 6) Born as a result of rape. 7) Father absent or disapproving. We live in a broken world and we Satan will continue to accuse us daily. He will tempt us to anger, to feel justified in our bitterness, or anger. Our Father wants to remain in close fellowship, and any sin separates us. INVENTORY of PRAYERS to go over as you regularly examine your heart and motives.

PRAY FOR THE SELFISH PERSON IN YOUR LIFE and CHOOSE to TRUST GOD and HIS PLAN to CHANGE people. We cannot change people, but by our prayers, we will find COMFORT in our FAITH in the GOD who is all about CHANGE and REDEMPTION. Living with a narcissist causes a person to feel guilty, burdened, restless.  They cover up nicely with a fake smile but it seems they are hiding something, perhaps feeling trapped.  In extreme cases they may suddenly burst into a rage with an increasing desire to lash out in violence. A true narcissist does not care about your opinion. Your choice to forgive them is Godly. A self absorbed person easily rejects all who threaten their control or dominance.  They do not compare themselves to lesser beings and they rarely praise another. When they are told that they come up short, they consider the truth teller to be a fool for not acknowledging their brilliance. The toxic levels of their sense of entitlement to be esteemed — is nauseating to members of the immediate family. They do not consider ‘why’ they might be avoided at social gatherings because they are to self-absorbed to notice.  They ask very few probing questions as they do not really care about others. They only listen so that they can respond with more about where they have been, what they have accomplished, or what they know.  They soar in the spot light and pose for pictures. Male and female narcissists both share a marked need for attention, the propensity to manipulate, and a keen interest in sex.  

  • Believe there are special reasons making them different. It is hard to make decisions?
  • Do they rely on others to recognize their value? Do they speak about their accomplishments to bolster self-image?
  • Do they withhold compliments? Is it hard for them to give praise?
  • Resent the successes of others?
  • Put their own needs above those of others.
  • Take advantage of others?

Narcissists are very difficult to be around. They are unshakable in their belief that  they don’t  have a problem. God is more powerful than any diagnosis. We pray, and He heals whatever He reveals in us. He comforts, He guides, He issues us more grace as we need.

4 thoughts on “Rejection / Entitlement

  1. I wonder if we are creating more problems with a “photoshop” world where everyone looks and acts in a way that will make them popular on social media. To create a successful persona people are doctoring everything they present, getting “Likes” then doctoring the next thing they present, getting “Likes” then doctoring… eventually it leads them to believe their own hype and they become the only thing that matters to them. Parents play a role in allowing the “me” generation to be an “its all about me” generation but their life of “Shares” and “Likes” only makes it worse – that’s my theory anyway


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