God Knows

Our Father knows every language for He created all there is with the very first Word. He hears every language perfectly, as He is omniscience, omnipotent, and ever available 24/7. His Spirit was loosed upon us all. Got questions? No matter where you are, WIFI is not needed to connect with your Creator. Need the Answer? Get it direct from God and receive ALL that He preserved for you in His living and active Word. Our Father sends angels to minister to us. He knows exactly who to send to speak truth into us. His timing, His Way, His messenger is always perfect.

The Kingdom ruled by Jesus

This is NOT all there is. There is always MORE and it is up to us to seek, ask and expect more. More grace, more opportunities, more deliverance from the onslaught of evil. “Give us this day our daily Bread, and forgive us for missing Your target today. Keep us humble, and away from evil.” Open a Bible, any version and ask “Holy Spirit speak to me. Give me understanding, guide me, teach me” — trust that He will. Trust Him to give you a personal word, and a revelation that speaks to your need.

Jan Hicks was visiting from Alabama and we had a lovely chat at Chatterlys. Ecclesiastes 12:13 “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.” With a glad heart ❤️ we love one another. His Word stirs up to overflowing and the Holy Spirit takes ahold of our tongue. We are edified and changed by He who dwells inside. He breaks down the old and He changes us. He gives us wings so we can fly FREELY above the storm and distribute what we have been given. Forever changing and reaching new heights by His fresh revelations. Hallelujah!

Jan shared a testimony about how the Holy Spirit restored hearing in a deaf ear while praying in her heavenly language. In a foreign country, the recipient does not need to understand our words. The Holy Spirit ministers to what they need as we speak in a heavenly tongue.  The abiding Spirit of God will lift the weight off of us as we allow Him to do His work.  At times, our soul may struggle with what to pray? We may carry a burden that ONLY the Holy Spirit can release. “Shall we pursue the Holy Spirit’s help.”  YES, as a mindful person, we do get disturbed emotionally without being conscious. Ask Holy Spirit to speak…and He does. Perception

Speaking in tongues strengthens our spirit as it settles all disturbances.  Our spirit gets built by a wise decision to submit to the Holy Spirit. He drops unknown treasures of heaven into our spirit as we pray heaven sent words. The peace of God that surpasse all our souls understanding, bypasses any resistance to what God wills for us, or the person we pray for . 🙏 When we want direction, when we need His comfort, when we need healing, or deliverance from a seed of bitterness, or a flash of fear or rejection — STOP, and choose to quickly surrender to the Holy Spirit to speak to your soul. He will replace your frown with a smile.

Our mind was NOT baptized when we accepted Jesus as Lord. Jesus said “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit…”—–NOT the mind, therefore capture every thought and renew your MIND with the TRUTH.

Walk worthy. Lead by example

Our spirit was baptized in the Holy Spirit ❤ but our mind collects lies which pollutes our soul.  Our Father knows the Deceiver is out to destroy His kids, so He tells us to RENEW our MIND. Allow the Holy Spirit to do His work. Instead of obedience to our flesh, our emotions, or thoughts, we choose to recognize and allow tongues to minister perfectly.  The Holy Spirit actively goes to whatever is out of alignment with Gods will.

Our natural mind gets a direct refreshment of TRUTH from God. Our natural soul seeks to blame others,  the government. We choose to obey God and shift our thoughts away from revenge. We decide NOT to be offended. We make a choice to be responsible for our attitude and respond with His onboard grace. The mind that delights in debate is OVER. The battle is WON when we speak in tongues. God grants us His rich glory. Pray in the Holy Spirit and decide to edify yourself. It causes the weary to refresh their mind. Declare God’s wonderful work and proclaim: “I am an obedient, enthusiastic leader. I am a gifted child of God. Romans 8:37 + Ephesians 3:16.

Choose to be so full of the FIRE of God that people are blessed with an eagerness to know He who is in you! He is greater, more powerful and quick to transform all who surrender their natural to His superior Way. Praise your heavenly Father in the midst of any difficulty, pain, or disappointment. Blast a radiant smile that broadcasts the entire Gospel. Sing, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, shine, shine all the time!” Be transported into His divine presence and stay there by choice as long as you desire. Holy Spirit speak for Your servant is listening and ready to serve.

Broken No More

Walk in MORE FREEDOM to be all God intended for you since He knit you together in the womb. Declare your statements of FAITH with great ENTHUSIASM. ENTHEOS, with the breath of God shout: “I am His, and He is mine, wherever I am, He is. I am His beloved. My Father’s plan for me is wonderful and exciting.” We are broken no more! We fiercely cling to our HOPE while we live in-between the ALREADY and the NOT YET. The Holy Spirit works in us and through us all the way to completion. Broken NO More

August 26, 2023

As a team of certified Wellspring Counselors, we come together to serve God and each other. Jesus said “Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The 2nd most important command is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.” Mark 12:29

We respect and love our leader, Judy Whitener, and we trust her decisions. We chose to commit our time and talent using the Wellspring materials because of what the Holy Spirit did in each one of us. We answered His call to contribute what we have been given. Jan Hicks has many teams of counselors in the United States, and she encourages her leaders to lift one another up to the glory of God.

Proverbs 3:5-8 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; (fleshy preference) in ALL your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do NOT be wise in your own eyes; (humbly continue to practice. Use the 4 part prayer to heal self) and shun evil. This will bring health to your body
(your position in the Body of Christ) and nourishment to your bones.” Competition, confusion, anger, and envy is canceled quickly as we focus on our identity in Christ.

We are Kingdom focused, and we know our part is extremely valuable. We choose to celebrate one another’s strength without feeling threatened. We choose to embrace our identity, know our sweet spot “in Him” and keep His peace through forgiveness and repentance. “I know who I am in Him, and I serve Him best by uniting and including the whole body.” Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Work quickly toward reconciliation and represent Christ with integrity and excellence. People are watching us. Lead by honoring God’s Word. Our attitude is more important than our education. How we respond to God’s call depends on a willing, excited attitude of what He has planned for us next. Expect NEW things in September.

Mucho Amor y Feliz! What FUN to hang with like-minded friends. Expect big changes in September.  During Rosh Hashanah, we will celebrate a NEW YEAR of FRESHLY anointed NEW beginnings.

Check ✔️ up from the neck up

2 thoughts on “God Knows

  1. The Divine Gift of Unity: Jesus prays for unity among his disciples and among those who through the teaching of his disciples will come to believe in him. He says: “May they all be one, just as, Father, You are in Me and I in You.” John 17:21

    These words of Jesus reveal the mystery that unity among people is not first of all the result of human effort, but rather a divine gift. Unity among people is a reflection of the unity of God. The desire for unity is deep and strong among people. It is a desire between friends, between married people, between communities, and between countries. Wherever there is a true experience of unity, there is a sense of giftedness. While unity satisfies our deepest need, it cannot be explained by what we say or do. There exists no formula for unity.

    When Jesus prays for unity, he asks his Father that those who believe in him, that is, in his full communion with the Father, will become part of that unity. I continue to see in myself and others how often we try to make unity among ourselves by focusing all our attention on each other and trying to find the place where we can feel united. But often we become disillusioned, realizing that no human being is capable of offering us what we most want. Such disillusionment can easily make us become bitter, cynical, demanding, even violent.

    Jesus calls us to seek our unity in and through Him. When we direct our inner attention not first of all to each other, but to God to whom we belong, then we will discover that in God we also belong to each other.” Henri Nouwen

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  2. I’m so blessed by my wife’s zeal for our Lord. At Mom’s for breakfast with Richard, my Hoyle Honey shared the 4 step prayer to exit pain, and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Forgive all who hurt you, Ask God to forgive you for resisting Him, and holding on to bitterness. Cancel all Satan’s authority and pick up God’s authority and speak His Word. Give thanks for what Jesus accomplished on the cross for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak His truth to you. Keep it simple, God knows the motive of our hearts. Praise His holy name.


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