The Twilight Zone of Blogging



  1. READS a Word press daily. Reads who they follow, and makes comments.
  2. BLOGS weekly, monthly – GETS INSPIRED – JOT NOTES – WRITES from the heart.
  3. Goes for a walk, hits some golf balls, emails friends, returns messages online
  4. Reads WP useful tips.  Explores inside WP and the Daily posts.
  5. Gains confidence. Writes short posts.  Takes Photo challenge.
  6. Expects to have FUN and subscribes and responds to the Daily Post. Gets creative.
  7. Categorizes and tags posts with buzz words that attract people who are interested in their chosen topics.  Stats show my blog getting the most visits on these topics:  poetry, gratitude, positivity, depression, recovery, truth, joy, and photography.

Write about topics that thrill you, categories that draw from your personal experience. If you have a struggle, by sharing it, you create a safe place.  If something makes you smile, write about it.  Search within WordPress for writers that click with you. As you make comments, expect that a few will resonate with what you have to say and perhaps a few will come check out your blog.  GREAT, because blogging is not a numbers game.

We bloggers are compelled to stop the swirl of ideas and words and PRESS it onto the web.  It is truth for me…that my family and my ‘close friends group’ know me to well to have to take the time to read what I write, we can just talk. Do not get discouraged…woman-yello-grass-happy-850x400JUST BLOG your heart out on WordPress, it will touch an unknown soul, and they will follow you because of what you wrote. Remember Jesus, he was rejected in his hometown…but alas, the blogosphere reaches to the outer limits – to the Twilight Zone of readers.  It is exciting to communicate “Awesome”  “Good Word” “I agree”  “Loved it”  “You are speaking to my heart here” — It is a genuine compliment to have your blog read, and/or shared — but to receive a comment….now talk about inspiration…somehow, somewhere, someone gets who you are and they appreciate your input.  “Your post really resonated, I follow you because you inspire me!”  Since 2007 I have been blogging on BLOGGER which auto submits to Google+ and it is a great thrill to now be on WordPress which supports a greater audience, input and premium bloggers!  IF you have questions, just ASK and I will do my best.  Thanks for clicking in!

BLOG ON….Barbara Alley Hoyle… STATS – who would read what you have to say? People who share your interest, people you will never meet, but perhaps inspire! WHO’D A THUNK IT “Within the first six months, over 4,000 views, from 28 different countries.  It is truly AMAZING that what has spilled out of my passion is worth reading by others!

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KETO Recipes WIN the most VIEWED in March 2018 with 9,500 views in one month – WOW

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Within six months, over 4,000 views, from over 28 different countries.  It is truly AMAZING that what has spilled out of my passion is worth reading by others!


4 thoughts on “The Twilight Zone of Blogging

  1. Hmmm — i’ve Thought about blogging just to categorize and track my sewing projects. I would do it mainly for my own reference. I started one day, but it’s not habit and only had one entry—and it was haphazard. I think it would be useful to take pictures and track my sewing process on all my projects just so I can remember how to do the same thing in the future. Maybe you can help me get started when you visit in the Spring. It’s amazing to me that people just read random bloggers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes Mary, the same is true for me. I unload my thoughts about my interests and whether or not they are read does not really matter. Mostly to track back to where I was and what I was doing in 2017. Memories are made day to day and with a foggy memory at best, sometimes it refreshes my spirit to look back and remember with pictures some thoughts I held back in the day. Be glad to assist this Spring 🙂


  2. Thanks for sharing this Barbara. I’ve just started using wordpress and already, I saw a number of really interesting posts and like-minded people. I just haven’t gotten around to following them yet. In any case, I’ll make it a habit to read on a daily basis and in the process, get inspiration from the people around me.

    Liked by 1 person

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