Eating Disorders

EATING DISORDER Bulimia, Anorexia and all other eating disorders are rooted in self-hatred. If you are condemning yourself,  shaming your body, or comparing  your body to others, pray this prayer against shame, guilt, envy, jealousy, comparison, or for any self-bitterness, and for being in competition with others. God made us all in His image and…

Easy is Best

A NEW WAY THINKING about FOOD can be FUN if we PRAY and TRUST GOD. Filtering out all the studies by pharmaceutical companies, we get to the truth. 👍 Testimonies are what keep me motivated. Rick had to lower his blood pressure pharmaceutical dosage quickly. The doctor had Rick stop taking all the blood pressure…

Beefy Bites

Every once in awhile, not a weekly thing, but for strict Carnivores, go ahead and NOD NOT ME, but for me and my house, we will serve this easy peasy dish a few times a month. Steak bites and Pizza with a tad of sauce won’t wreck anybody’s fat burning. Hamburger Pizza cooked to perfection.…

Griddle Time

Our Blackstone Griddle arrived in July 2023. We did our homework before we fired up the new BARBIE The proper seasoning takes over hour, so for a new griddle, we need a large full butane container. VERY IMPORTANT to NOT use bacon or animal fat to season the griddle because cracking will occur. Learning is…

Buttery Good

Doctors that stick to what they learned in medical school, freak out when you tell them that you are eating red meat and butter. They were taught to prescribe statins for high cholesterol, but have they read the latest science? Dr David Diamond has a PHD in Neuroscience. His application for life insurance in 1999…