Team Building

Nothing in life comes close to the honor of being chosen to be both a recipient and an instrument in God’s redemptive plan for all of mankind. It was never God’s will for any Christian to receive and not give back out of His overflow. We are consumers and distributors of His grace. Because we were purchased by the blood of Jesus, our life belongs to our Master and He positions us all where He wants us. He gives us all unique gifts for His purpose, to serve those inside and outside the Body of Christ. We choose to be MORE, and to stick our unique toenail into the Body and be a participant. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe ALL that I have commanded. Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matt 28:20 Jan Hicks founded CUMI “Christian United Ministries” in 1999 after having her faith tested in a divided group of believers. Her spirit was convinced that prayer works. So CUMI was born out of her desire to pray in such a way that allowed God’s people to cross over to MORE FREEDOM IN CHRIST. Broken NO More

Jan, Judy, Rosie

Grace does more than forgive us, His grace allows us to live for something bigger than just ourselves. The Kingdom of Jesus is vastly more important than anyone of us. “Woe to those who shut up the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. There is more to do than tithe. Do not neglect the weightier matters of justice, mercy and faithfulness. Do not neglect others, do not be blind to their needs. Do not just clean the outside up to look good, but empty out all envy, greed and self-indulgence. First we are to clean up the inside, that the outside will reflect My glory.” Matt 23-26 Judy Whitener flew to Alaska and cleaned out her cup, and came back to Mexico to spread the Kingdom of Heaven. For 11 years Judy has hosted a Wellspring conference at Lakeside. The fruit is evidenced by how dozens of church leaders are now effectively counseling their flocks. 22 people attended a leadership meeting on August 26, 2023, at the Wellspring Healing Center in Chapala. These are the NOTES on what Jan Hicks had to share. Miss Judy with her delightful animation translated.

What did God do in your life that demonstrated the power of prayer? Did you feel compelled to share the 4 step prayer with others? Did you see yourself helping others because of how this ministry brought healing and hope to you? When was the first time you knew you wanted to be part of the Wellspring Mexico team? 🇲🇽 Considering the life changing work of the Holy Spirit in you, what is your vision for the building of the Wellspring Mexico team? Are you sold out – or, just thinking about it? YouTube aqui!

August 26, 2023 Chapala

When we started Christians United Ministries in 1999 we thought, prayed and discussed –what the name of the ministry should be that would incorporate our hearts, our vison. It was our desire for unity, minus any denominational walls – so ordinary folks could walk in the fullness of Kingdom living. We thought about each word as it must match the vision cast. As Judy shared previously, 12 years ago God gave her a word. “Healing Center.” Without knowing what that meant, she invested hours of prayer into that word. The mission field of God is worldwide and it was never our Redeemer’s intention that only the religious leaders absorb that responsibility. God sets us apart, He equips us and Wellspring International trains us how to pray for our brothers and sisters so that they in turn are FREE to spread the kingdom with us.

Decisions made prayerfully

CHRISTIANS: the process of becoming, the spiritual formation of a disciple of Jesus Christ for an authentic and fulfilled Christian life in the present world.

UNITED: Unity reigns despite any differences of opinion or style. United we come together at the foot of the cross. A place where followers of Jesus can approach every relationship with the attitude, “I may not agree with your specific preferences, but I can agree with you that Jesus is my Savior and Lord.

Praying together ❤️

MINISTRY: A service to God and to other people in His name. When Jesus began His public ministry, His first words were, as recorded in Matthew 4:17, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”

Definition of Wellspring:
WELL: A symbol of a thriving community. At a Wellspring conference we learned in depth about the kingdom of darkness. In this world, family and community is under constant attack. We must all stand guard and STRIVE to THRIVE together.

Diverse significance to the team

SPRING: A time for new beginnings and amazing transformations; it’s a season that symbolizes starting fresh and starting over. Spring is a reminder that God is all about making things NEW. In fact, Jesus PROMISED to make everything new one day. (Revelation 21:5) Our Father is a Promise Keeper, and we trust in the Promise who dwells within, the Holy Spirit to do His work in those working together for the glory of God.

Team Enthusiasm is Dynamite

MINISTRY: In His name, committed to serve, Wellspring International. Proverbs 4:23 (TPT) “So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life” Another translation says: It sets the stage for our choices, attitudes, and behaviors of life! AMEN

When we disconnect from God, it is NOT just outwardly obvious by our withdrawl from church– we also unplug from the Holy Spirit inwardly. When we don’t reflect Jesus in our outward attitude, actions, and reactions, we begin to sink spiritually. We must purpose and choose NOT to get distracted from the spiritual battle. When we slack in prayer, we are defenseless. We must be diligent, stay connected to each other, and pray for one another. When disconnected from the Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ, our mind and body suffer.

Stay connected build strength

When we are under attack, we choose to read the Word because we KNOW there is mighty power in the Word, BUT we must also reach out to another prayer counselor. Jan is relating the same message to us that she delivers to her ministry teams in the USA. All teams in this world, even Christian based teams, are challenged. Within the team, there are struggles, and personally, we can get off track. Because the CUMI ministry teaches the 4 step prayer, we stay mindful of any disturbing thought and KNOW we MUST quickly get back in alignment with God or fail. Who do we fail? If we miss the mark, we fail our Lord. If we become a weak link in the chain, we ALSO fail the whole team. Our attitude affects the entire body.

His presence is sweet

Be sensitive, be kind, be the one to notice, be the first to ask “do you want to pray through this?”

AUTHORITY is rule-based. LEADERSHIP is team-based.
John and Judy have the authority to set the guidelines. They cast their vision, with heavenly instruction. They are responsible to the Lord.

Each member a leader

LEADERSHIP is team-based. Each of you are leading someone. People are always watching you. As a Team of leaders, each player must be team based, NOT self based. Observe others who demonstrate a skill, a joy, a servant’s heart. Seize the opportunity to employ their gift. Who stands quiet on the sidelines? Leaders look for a place where they fit within the puzzle of Wellspring International. A great team based MOTTO: “There is a place for everyone, and everyone has a place.” Don’t look at position as ability, but position where others fit on the team. Positions can change, which helps grow everyone’s strengths and talents. We know our ability, and our momentary limits—be honest, be open to grow MORE!


GREAT TEAM leaders are willing to defer or prefer someone over themselves. They strive to see potential in others and encourage them. Leaders are flexible, as they seek to see others use their gifts.

Team players understand as they appreciate the strength in each position. Each player recognizes their limits. Obedience to your personal integrity requires each player to ask self; “What is my part? Where does my link in the chain make us stronger?

Each player DOES a lot of things well. EACH member has gifts and talents that differ from their teammates. Instead of being ALL things ALL the time, as a team, one pitches, one catches, one runs, one umpires, one is a designated hitter when one is on vacation. Those in the outfield look up and thank God for their amazing team. Be the best you are in THE thing or gift you are called to do in each situation. We choose to pool our talents and work together on God’s vision to UNITE us for His purpose. A GREAT leader or Team player admits “I can do this myself, but with your ability, you can do it faster and more efficiently.” So while you do this, I can get this other thing done. Tell me what you need from me, how can I help you?

Jan loves to sing, but she admits she is not suited to be in a choir.
Your strengths in one area could cause others to assume that you do all things well. That leads us into the topic of perception, which without a conversation, our discernment is lacking. Without the Holy Spirit we are ineffective. We rely on He who is in us, as the Holy Spirit is greater than any foe, or any challenge we will face.

Team members show up, aware to be on time for prayer appts. We keep all that is shared private, and we build confident trust in one another. Sometimes, we must do what is necessary, and we do it with a good attitude, just like our Jesus. Each team player must KNOW their ‘sweet spot’ which is when we know that we know that we love serving in this capacity. Even still, we step aside to let others shine who are eager to learn with a chance to contribute. Keep your attitude fully submitted to the Holy Spirit and snap your bracelet “Broken NO More” and shine your light.

You are only as good a leader as you are a team player. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful team.
In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are reminded to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” First and foremost, we remember that our identity is rooted in Christ.
Our self-worth doesn’t come from positions, accomplishments, or the opinions of others.

Focus on our identity in Christ:
• Jealousy loses its power.
• Competition (struggle, opinions, rivalry) loses it power
• Unforgiveness loses it’s power
• Misunderstandings (confusions) lose their power
• Expectations lose their power
• Inabilty to trust loses it’s power

Recognize, accept, and give genuine praise to all members. Each soul set free is like another gold crown for His glory. Knowing our Father is pleased, we are content. We were chosen for such a time as this. Lakeside will continue to be blessed. More will want to give back to God, so we get READY for what we pray for. While using our gifts, our individual soul satisfaction will glow like the sun as our Father smiles and pours out MORE abundant FAVOR.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”ealize that God has uniquely designed and called each of us, we can celebrate one another’s strengths without feeling threatened. Position concerns often stem from a desire for recognition and influence. Our goal is to serve our community, to be His light, to heal the broken-hearted, to cast out evil, and to bring Him glory by the love we show to one another. Beause of HIS love — we serve. Man will never recognize us to the fullness of our Godly identity and hearts desire, but our Father does, and His grace is sufficient.

The world is not kind. It offers fake love, like fake news. We are not of this world, and we are honored to be set apart in His service. Mark 10:45 He said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” We desire to serve the greatest work, as ministers, as peacemakers in God’s Kingdom. KEY: Perception

Conflicts are inevitable, but how we handle them defines our UNITY as a team. Ephesians 4:32 teaches us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” When conflict arises, approach it with a heart of reconciliation rather than division. We know a 60 second prayer keeps the Spirit flowing.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Remember that our ultimate goal is to maintain UNITY as we pursue God’s purpose together. Hold each other accountable and allow others to hold you accountable for your actions and responsibilities. Take ownership of your mistakes and work to rectify them. That shows integrity and dedication, which are essential for trust. Believe improvement is possible.

• Dr. Charles Swindoll’s book: “Attitude” is the key to success.
• Attitude is more vital than facts, education, money, circumstances, failures, or successes.
• It’s a choice we make daily, affecting our response to life’s challenges.
• While we can’t change the past or others’ actions, we control our attitude.
• Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react; the same applies to others.
• We often see ourselves as victims, but we have control over our attitude.
• While not everything is controllable, we have complete control over our attitude.

“Comparison will either make you feel inferior or superior… Neither Honors God” Craig Groschel


I AM Courageous
I AM Self-Confident
I AM a Risk Taker
I AM Trusting
I AM Decisive
I AM Worthy
I AM Positive
I AM Enthusiastic
I AM Grateful!


We are jointly fitted together, individuals but ONE with Christ. As His team, it is the Spirit of God that meshes us together. For His purpose to UNIFY us for His glory. Can you see your spiritual body whole —as completed in Christ Jesus? Matt 7:28-29 Jesus speaks and the community says WOW, He speaks as one with authority…He says what He says and knows….because He is speaking on the authority of God…

IMPORTANT: A tiny bit of resentment, bitterness, envy or unforgiveness towards ANYONE on the team must be dealt with. Make it right…and receive His forgiveness and move on.

One thought on “Team Building

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