Bless or Curse?

With FRESH mercies daily, we get a NEW start! With the same mouth that we bless others, we can choose to get easily irritated and curse the unknown soul in the car ahead of us. Honestly, it happens to all of us. However, we are all responsible for our responses, and every word that comes out of our mouth. — Ok, I’m willing to humble myself and say ‘I’m sorry.” WHY? Because we want to OBEY our Father in heaven. We ask the HOLY SPIRIT to give us understanding as we READ SCRIPTURES. Then do we CHOOSE to AGREE with GOD or do we REBEL? What is rebellion? It is a sin. FIRMLY established in HIS WORD, we choose to REPENT for any REBELLION against what God’s Word said, and He quickly forgives us. We worship GOD, in SONG and by PRAYING His Word out loud so that WE HEAR our own VOICE of AUTHORITY declaring TRUTH. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in FAITH, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 51:5-8 ESV Without doubt we trust God. “FAITH is the substance, the assurance, of things HOPED for. FAITH is the conviction of unwavering BELIEF in the things NOT seen.

Charles Capps said in easy language “God’s method is to speak what is NOT visible by the natural eye, into existence. Our Father also gave us the authority to erase, delete, and zero out all darkness.” God spoke and all that is — took form, or manifested. When darkness covered the earth, God spoke light, and light overcame the darkness. As earthly vessels of the Spirit of God, we speak with authority as we call ourselves DELIVERED from the authority of darkness. We call ourselves REDEEMED from the curse of the law. We purpose and choose to call out to peace, grace and wholeness in our bodies and minds, and in Jesus mighty name, change happens. Colossians 1:13 “He has DELIVERED us from the POWER of darkness and GIVEN us into the KINGDOM of the SON of HIS LOVE, in WHOM we have REDEMPTION through HIS BLOOD, the FORGIVENESS of sins.” Paul in Colossians 1:9 explains WHY: “that you may walk worthy of the Lord, FULLY pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with ALL might, according to His glorious power.”

“Don’t be bitter, FORGIVE them and yourself and be BETTER, get set FREE”. Paul said “We declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God designed for our glory before time began.” 1 Corin 2:7 NIV — One of the mysteries to being FREE revealed in a NEW BOOK entitled “The Secrets of Generational Curses” written by Alexander Pagini is available of Amazon.

The credentials of Jesus are certified as Truth, the Life and the Way to eternity with God the Father.  John the Baptist  proclaimed Jesus as the Son of God four times. (John 1:23, 29, 33, 34). Most importantly the Word became flesh and walked among us. Jesus came as a willing Ransom for all who were desperate, eager to embrace a higher purpose, a better way, and God’s everlasting promises.  Moses wrote about Christ crucified (Ex 33:18-23).Isaiah prophesied “The Spirit of the Lord is upon ME, I have come to set the captives FREE.”  IS our community, our society, our SOUL desperate enough to seek TRUTH? The Liar has been busy deceiving this generation with much FALSE information. Therefore, many are held captive by his lies and are filled with wild imaginations. Our Father said we are “His children” So, when we choose to become like a child, we believe like a child, and we LISTEN and CHOOSE to BELIEVE what our HEAVENLY FATHER says, not what the father of all lies says.

The agents of Satan’s kingdom of darkness are actively out to destroy any hope in God, and the Truth.  Many who attend church are SAVED, but perhaps few are delivered into the FULLNESS of God. Our GOAL should be to LIVE in His fullness, without fear, doubt, confusion, boredom or that nagging sense “there must be more”. If the Liar has worked his way into a curious mind that seeks opinion over truth, then we have subjected ourselves to deception. The living and active Word of God says in Colossians “By Him ALL things were created.” “In Him all things consist.” “In ALL things He may have the preeminence.” “In Him all the FULLNESS should dwell.”

We were purchased by the blood of Jesus, and we are forgiven of our sins, and we were GIVEN HIS POWER, the HOLY SPIRIT to speak with GOD’s POWER and AUTHORITY to cast down WILD IMAGINATIONS that set themselves up again GOD and HIS WORD. What does that look like? A nasty thought of anger, irritation or frustration comes up while driving – A believer in the POWER within, raises their VOICE and SPEAKS “With the all the authority of JESUS, I cancel Satan’s plan, his dirty tricks, and his weapon of temptation! In the name of JESUS I speak boldly and tell that lying voice to SHUT UP! Accepting Jesus as Lord of our life — we were delivered (already done) from the power of darkness, but the spiritual battle continues and our Father tells us to put on the FULL armor of God, to fight against the Deceiver, the Liar, the Devil who seeks to destroy our faith in Jesus. Therefore we pull out our WEAPON, and by the power of the indwelt Holy Spirit we SPEAK to CANCEL all Satan’s assignments against us. We have the power and we are to use it. Listen intently Matthew 13;11 “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not them.” Outside the Body of Christ, without the Holy Spirit there is zero understanding of spiritual things. The Book of Deuteronomy details all the generational blessings and curses.

Pastor Mario below was delivered and set FREE in prison, Mario now takes the TRUTH into prisons. A very interesting study of Jonathan Edwards and the ancestors of one other man. Jonathan was a preacher, and theologian. The life of this one transformed man demonstrates the power of God through a generation of blessings. The study included 1,200 descendants of his descendants. Jonathan was born on October 5, 1703 in Windsor, Connecticut. At the age of 13 Jonathan entered Yale University and kept notebooks known as “The Mind.” This youth stood firm on the Word of God, and became a pastor. Jonathan was the 5th child of 11 in his family. He often retreated to the woods to pray. He married Sarah, whose father was the founder of Yale University. In a study of their descendants we find 13 presidents of colleges; 65 professors; 100 attorneys; 85 officials in the military; 80 held public positions; 3 senators; 3 mayor’s and one Vice President of the United States. Within this couple’s life of faith, a generational blessing produced a heritage of contributions, with zero debt to society

In the same study of opposing generational influences, a man named Max Jukes spent time in prison. Out of 1,200 of his descendants; 440 relatives lived in disobedience to God’s Word. 339 were homeless; 190 prostitutes; 100 alcoholics; and 7 murderers. Without contribution, their cost to society was estimated at 1 million dollars. It is obvious that wounded people seek bitter revenge as their faithless ways and attitudes of self-hate and bitterness injures countless others. Our Father asks us to forgive others as we have been forgiven. Broken people choose to use their tongues to speak both blessings and curses, and this should not be! “Those things which proceed out of the mouth (words) come forth from the heart and they (words) defile a man.” Matthew 15:18 Listen to your speech and words that do not come from God or serve His kingdom. Perhaps there is an accusing spirit, a spirit of envy, self-hate or bitterness that causes blood pressure spikes? What if a 60 second prayer could release you from the lying spirit? Why not let the Holy Spirit bring forward anything that prevents you from living the FULLNESS of what God has for you? Is there a family member that you avoid? Is their anyone you need to forgive? How many alcoholics, diabetics, divorces or suicides are in your family tree?

“I bless you with an anointing of God’s peace and grace that you can pass onto others. Spirit, I bless you with an ever growing spirit of reconciliation with God. I bless my spirit with an ear to HEAR what the Holy Spirit is saying and respond in glad obedience. I choose to confidently follow the inner prompt, the guiding compulsion to share the power of repentance with others. I bless you with a glowing peace that attracts others to God’s wonder working light. I bless you as a child of God to have a willing heart to speak the truth in love. May your spirit draw others to inquire what gives you such peace and grace in the midst of trials and chaos. I bless you with Spirit filled words that will reach the broken hearted. I bless you with a vast harvest of family, friends and strangers that you will be willing to be an agent of change for the Kingdom of light.” People we know MIGHT fear sickness, rejection, being alone, being slandered, condemnation, a wasted life, of being controlled, abandonment, poverty, humiliation, war, and punishment. Our Father told us in Ephesians to put on our full armor because the devil is out to destroy us. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4 Truth Seekers

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