
To know all the ways in which I have judged others poorly, YIKES! With a bowed head and bended knee; “Forgive me Father” At least 7 X 70 times! PERCEPTION: The way others view us and we them. STOP and imagine all the different characters we have played in somebody’s mental narrative.

We have been funny, sour, weird, approachable, condescending, flattering, prideful, vulnerable, steaming, cold, hot, merciful, mean, loud, too quiet, bold or shy. SOME choose to justify their view of us in whatever manner their internal voice dictates. We are either a Godsend, a rat, boring, or just odd. None of it has anything to do with the person we truly are in our Father’s eyes. Some may judge our facial expression as foreboding while others delight in our humble silence. Others are offended by a look, while some hope to catch our eye. Be conscious of the Holy Spirit who rides within you. Ask Him “Show me Your truth, reveal to me what is good about this?” Pause, be still and know “I will never leave you.” Trust Him and SMILE.

The filter through which others view us depends on their long-held beliefs and individual experiences. Some folks see our bright personality as endearing, and others see it as annoying. Others think we are too emotional and others feel safe to be themselves around us. Some may think we’re selfish, and others respect the way we take a bold stand. Others admire the way we take pride in our appearance while others think us vain and superficial.

Blessed Assurance

REMINDER: The truth is only perfectly known by our Creator. What we WISELY conclude is that we have ZERO authority over how people view us. We cannot control the final impact we have on others. As a chosen vessel of God’s love, we can choose to only bless others, not curse them with our thoughts and voices. We get to cling to God’s view, His unique design of us, His love for us, and His plan for us, as He changes our perception to coexist with His. We become His eyes, and His mouth that we pass along His lavish grace. * Holy Spirit, speak the truth to us. Help us to see others through our Father’s eyes. God Knows

Perception is a guess, a precisely stated assumption that has nothing to do with what we THINK we see.

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