Tent Tales

Many folks go camping to get away, to refresh, to spend time in nature. Guess who set the stage for great encounters? Yep, God Himself!

Paul was a tent maker

Back in the 50’s there was a well known radio host/comedian/song writer in Hollywood named Stuart Hamblen. Stuart was known in downtown Los Angeles for his drinking, joking around, and womanizing. A guy who sought significance in the eyes of man.

A young preacher was holding a tent revival nearby, and Hamblen invited the preacher on his radio show just to poke fun and gather material for a laugh. Stuart interviwed him and then boldly showed up at one of his tent revival meetings. Early in the service the preacher announced, “There is a man in this audience who is a big fake.” There were probably others who thought the same thing, but Hamblen’s convicted conscience was convinced the preacher was calling him out. Stuart left the meeting, but those words continued to haunt him.

Stuart entered the tent to mock

A few nights later, he showed up drunk at the hotel door of this traveling preacher. At 2 AM, Stuart demanded that the preacher pray for him! The preacher refused! He said, “This is between you and God, and I’m not getting in the middle of it.” The preacher had compassion on him and invited the drunk in to talk. Stuart talked and listened until about 5 AM, at which point Stuart dropped to his knees and cried out to God to save his soul and change his life…and God did!

The life change was dramatic as
Stuart quit drinking, quit chasing women, quit everything he used to think was so “fun.” Soon he began to lose favor with the Hollywood crowd. He was ultimately fired by the radio station for refusing to accept a beer company as a sponsor. Stuart suffered some hard times. Most new believers will experience temptations as the devil often uses others to lure them to the darkside. An old friend named John took him aside and told him, “All your troubles started when you ‘got religion.’ Was it worth it?” Stuart answered simply, “Yes.”

John then asked, “You liked your booze so much, don’t you ever miss it?” Stuart quickly replied “No.” John then said, “I don’t understand how you could give it all up so easily.” Stuart responded, “Well, it is no secret what God can do. All things are possible with Him.” John was moved by those words, and said, “That’s a catchy phrase. You ought to write a song about it.” Stuart Hamblen wrote these famous lyrics,”It is no secret what God can do. What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you. With arms wide open, He’ll pardon you. It is no secret, what God can do.”

By the way, that friend of his was John Wayne! And that young preacher was Billy Graham! You never know whose life your testimony might change…forever!

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