Book of Books

A retreat from the lies that are intended to deceive us, we find rest and truth in the Book of all books. Take time to savor His written word. It feeds that which all souls seek. It satisfies all hungers. Come taste and see that God’s Word is the best resource for every season. Take note that the Truth is the only narrative that ever gets blocked … BUT GOD, streams His truth free of charge without commercials.

With age comes a calm in being fitted for a crown. We were chosen, legally adopted and sealed with the Holy Spirit who chastens us to let go and trust that this is the way of blessings. He lights up our faces by His glorious countenance within. His wisdom settles in us after years of caring way too much about style, and name brands.

TODAY, let us choose to celebrate the years ahead as He has placed us right where He wants us. God called us by name. The King of all earthly leaders branded us with His name. It remains the name that is above all other name — Jesus! We are blessed to be alive in the generation that will never pass away. We were chosen and brilliantly equipped to represent Jesus as His anointed Ambassadors of Grace and Hope.

We shine with His light — in order to attract those held captive by things that will pass away. The only thing we can take with us into His promised, glorious, holy eternal presence—is more souls. So be who He created you to be. Be still and know that God uses ordinary aged people like us to be His witness of FAITH in Jesus. The power of our testimony defeats doubt, fear and all evil opposition. We use the talent He apportioned for His purpose and glory. Victorious to the end. “I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool . Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” Mat. 5:34-37

Our words, our commentary, our heresay, our speculations, add our promised fuel to the fire. Therefore, be quick to listen and slow to speak. God’s Word is sufficient. In other words, just say yes or no. We don’t know, but we know the One who does. PUBLIC OPINION is not in control, God’s Word is what will happen at Armageddon. When we ask “WHY” , or WHAT is happening  let us ASK the One who knows.

The Holy Spirit stands by to give us understanding and wisdom. If He is with us always, let us Ask Him to speak to us. If He is silent, wait on God. Value His Spirit and trust He is in control. Dear Holy Spirit, help us to follow the example of our Lord Jesus, to be humble and gracious when we are falsely accused, when we suffer the envy of others, or when the critical spirit raises it’s evil voice. Lord, because of the authority You gave us, we stand in victory! Teach us to keep our tongue from speaking evil and nudge us to forgive as we have been forgiven. Remind us to repay evil with a genuine kindness that springs up whenever our flesh wants to be offended. Watch over us, Lord, and thank You Holy Spirit for Your refining fire within us. We belong to God, not by our bloodline, or because of our families traditions, but because of the blood shed by Christ Jesus.

We are the beloved adopted children of God! In Jesus’ Name, we pray… “Amen! Find that spot of cozy quiet and select a different translation of the Bible to read. The dream AirBnB is found outside near a lake or at the park for free. The outdoors is loaded with the comfort of your favorite blanket from home. A spot that kacls all the distractions. Select a hide-away when a change of scenery is required. The luxury offered awaits us all. Stimulate the joy tucked within the pages of truth. Pack light and travel out of the wilderness of seasonal activity. Spring ahead with praise of the One who is worthy.

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