A Gift Unwrapped

Tonight or tomorrow, many ribbons will be untied as colorful paper is torn off boxes of gifts. The world chose December 25th as the designated day to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Many will choose to rejoice in our rebirth “in Him.” Singing “Silent night, holy night” we lift up our voices with thanksgiving. One day each year, the world turns on twinkle lights. Others shine bright and sing “Jingle all the Bells and Sound all the Trumpets, Deck the halls and sing Gloria Hallelujah!”

The miraculously transformed folks shine from within, knowing that God gifted His Son to the world. All Sisters-in-Christ and Brothers-in-Belief all KEEP our faith in Jesus Christ –because He was faithful. The good news produces great joy in all who receive Him. Unwrap the joy, and let yourself glow! The gift of Christmas is an ongoing offer to be forever loved. ✝️ It is our daily choice to rejoice and give voice with joy. Choose to be a light, and a blessing whenever you can.

By choice we put “The Greatest Gift” into practice daily. A tradition each Christmas is the giving of a gift. Personally we all have fond memories of receiving various gifts. As children, the excitement of Christmas Eve or Christmas morning — when we were given permission to open our gifts—our adored child-like anticipation kept many kids awake. As adults we have grown to appreciate that the greatest joy is in our giving, of passing on the hope we have in Christ. The greatest GIFT any of us have ever received, opened, and shared is our GIFT OF FAITH.

Our good Father gave us the most spectacular treasure! Oh Lord, remember unto me the excitement in my soul, the thrill of my first encounter with Your great love. Holy Spirit revive my soul with ever increasing FAITH, TRUST and BELIEF in the goodness of God. Mesmerize my eyes with a glimpse of Your glory, still my thoughts and soak my mind with a live stream of life renewing Scriptures that I may sing a new song!

Taste and see that the Lord is good! The joy of the Lord enlarges as we remember the gift of our salvation. Choose to celebrate His promises kept. He fills us to overflow. He finishes us, and He continues to complete His mission to make Himself known through us. Let us open our hearts to the gift of Christ in us, every day! The greatest gift of all was not placed beneath a tree, but upon a tree. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of faith and everlasting life in You. AMEN. 2 Corin 9:15 – “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” OFF TO CHURCH WE GO singing Glory to the King of kings. Hallelujah!

Read the book of Luke

The gift of Christmas is faith to believe. CH Spurgeon: “Only one with a spiritual mind can receive spiritual things. Instruction about the Holy Spirit’s agency will never be very interesting to those who are entire strangers to it.” 🙌 We cannot make another soul understand what the force of an electric shock feels like unless they experience it personally. People must open their hearts and DESIRE change. Just like an addict must desire sobriety, every soul must ask God, invite Jesus, and want to be delivered from their emptiness and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Faith is a gift from God, but one must ask, surrender, and receive the gift of faith in order to believe in the unseen power of the Spirit of God to change hearts.

A great Christmas morning sharing the Good News with our Neighbors. Jurgen and Rosa had us over for Christmas eve and we met Paulina and Luis. Both opened their hearts about Jesus last night. They came to our casa for coffee and a gift on Christmas day. A Bible summary in both Spanish and English. Biblia Compacta and Behind the Curtain. Paulina is my new adopted daughter to practice my Spanish with, laugh with and enjoy her new found joy in the Lord. The gift of Christmas is Christ and when His messengers share the gift, our Father rejoices. AMEN

December 25, 2023

One thought on “A Gift Unwrapped

  1. Jesus waits for us to turn to Him. “As a person thinks in his heart, so is he.” The meaning of the word heart from God’s point of view. “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks in the heart” 1 Samuel 16:7. When God looks at a person, He doesn’t look at the color of our skin, what clothes we wear or our gender. God looks in our hearts to see what we hold dear. Our thoughts, motives and intentions. Hmmm, is it a burning motive to know God? Do my thoughts focus on the problems? God is in the business of changing stone hearts into hearts that overflow with His goodness. According to Proverbs 6:18 God knows who has a heart full of evil imaginations. “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9 Is it time for a change of heart? Ask Jesus, the heart changer to come into abide in you. Expect 2024 to be different. AMEN

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