Talk to God

IF anyone is rusty in talking to God,  one needs only to speak plainly, and our Father will gladly pick up our belated call.   Regular words, nothing fancy, get His immediate attention.  He meets broken people across the globe daily in every language. His throne of Grace is open 24/7. It is by His mercy that all weary hearts get renewed and relieved.  All sorrows are removed. Our Father faithfully repairs our defects and replaces our defeats with His amazing, continual flow of grace.

With unstaggering FAITH in Jesus, we ask God to forgive our silence. From His Mercy Seat our Father sends angels to minister to our unspoken needs.  Our Father welcomes our measured words. His gigantic capacity to meet all our needs gets released.  Making a conversation with the Almighty, the King of heaven only requires an honest tear, a faint whisper for “help.” Our Father knows our need before we speak a word. ❤️ He waits for us to cry out to Him.

Your Father sees and hears

Grace personified sits on His throne, with a smile as we approach Him.  We exalt Him with our tears and whatever we speak. With our passport stamped by the blood of Jesus, we speak carefully, with perhaps limping, stammering, feeble words – but God — He encourages us “Come, Come and give Me the burdens on your heart.” With reverence we cherish the opportunity to approach His highly elevated throne. We tremble with humility before the One who has unlimited grace to bestow. Our God is a burning flame, and LOVE is His name. He offers us a consoling grace and reveals Himself to us.

We bow before His praying ground. Our words pour out yet, wobbling. All our prayers are intercepted by Jesus, who alters and amends each to make it relevant by His worthy merit. The Sovereign does as He wills and He blesses the one who beseeches grace. Speaking out of our quaking heart, we trust that God shall not break His covenant. “Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find.” His word binds Him to hear our prayers and fulfill each promise. Take time to list the desires of your heart and present them boldly. Throne of Grace

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. I worship the Lord with gladness; I come before the Throne of Grace with joy and praise.  I know that I am privileged to enter His gates with praise because He called me by name. My Father knit me together in my mother’s womb, and I am His. I give thanks to God for His Son Jesus, and I praise His name. For my Lord is good, and His mercies are fresh each morning as His love endures forever. His faithfulness continues through all generations.

Lord, according to Your word, I repent and turn back to You. I humbly ask for Your mercy to forgive me as I have fallen short. I bow my head and confess my arrogance and my rebellious spirit. I am selfish, suspicious, and judgemental. I have resisted forgiving my offenders. Lord, I acknowledge that as Your child, I have fallen short of Your glory, and I ask that You forgive me for all my sins hidden and spoken today.

Lord, forgive me for the times that I have sinned against You through my silence, words, and actions. Forgive me for being quick to condemn others and to criticize others instead of loving them. Forgive me for the times I failed to love my neighbor as myself. Forgive me for neglecting to seek Your will before I take action. I thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness to forgive me for all my selfish tendencies. 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Oh God, I thank You for inviting me to come to Your Throne of Grace. For the privilege to approach You and be cleansed by Your gracious mercy and complete forgiveness. 

Trusting in Your infinite mercy, Lord, I ask for Your strength to resist the devil and his cunning plans to destroy my faith in You. I boldly ask You, Father, to give me ears to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. My hearts desire is to listen and respond quickly. Thank You, Father, that I am never alone, that wherever I am You are. Your love and mercies are limitless.  Through the precious blood of Jesus, I am fully redeemed, restored, forgiven, and renewed in Him. Lord, I choose to forgive all those who have wronged me. I ask the Holy Spirit to give me the courage to extend Your love, grace, and mercy towards all my enemies. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” AMEN

February 2024

4 thoughts on “Talk to God

  1. Pingback: Throne of Grace | Living Abroad

  2. The primary key to receiving is faithfulness. We must be faithful to believe and faithful to act on the Word of God. Of course, before you can even begin to believe God’s Word, you must know what He has said, because “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).

    To be faithful to the Word, you must hear it, believe it and act on it consistently. You must have confidence in the One who spoke it. This confidence will enable you to faithfully take God at His Word. You’ll be able to look beyond circumstances, and focus on the power and love of God and His ability to bring you through to victory. Then you will be in a position to receive.

    ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO open heart TO RECEIVE His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.


  3. “LIKE A WHIRLWIND, I HEARD HIS VOICE” AA ALLEN determined to find the secret of God’s power. He began to fast and pray and seek the Lord. Fasting was new to him. Just as he would start to seek the Lord, he would smell the food his wife was cooking. Try as he might to remain committed, the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. He would finally give in, emerge from his prayer closet, and join the family meal. Then one day, just as he had taken a bite of food, he was immediately convicted. Dropping his fork, he announced to his wife that he wasn’t coming out of his prayer closet until he heard from the Lord, and he even instructed her to lock him in the closet. Hours passed as he wrestled with his flesh. He dod find victory inside of his prayer closet. In his own words “…I began to realize that the light that was filling my prayer closet was God’s glory!…The presence of God was so real and powerful that I felt I would die right there on my knees…. Then, like a whirlwind, I heard His voice. It was God! He was speaking to me! This was the glorious answer that I had sought so diligently and for which I had waited since my conversion at the age of 23. It seemed faster than any human could possibly speak, faster than I could follow mentally, God was talking to me! God was giving me a list of the things which stood between me and the power of God. As God spoke to me, I wrote them down.”

    “God spoke once again, and said: ‘This is the answer. When you have placed on the altar of consecration and obedience the last thing on your list, you shall not only heal the sick, but in My Name shall you cast out devils, you shall see mighty miracles as in My Name you preach the Word, for behold, I give you power over all the power of the enemy.’ God revealed to Allen the things that were hindering so many thousands of others. Eleven things that the Lord told Allen.

    1. We must realize that no man can do greater quality miracles than Jesus.

    2.We can walk as Jesus walked.

    3. We must be blameless like God Himself.

    4. We measure ourself only against Jesus.

    5. We must deny our fleshly desires and fast.

    6. After self-denial, we must follow Jesus seven days a week.

    7. Without God, we can do nothing!

    8. Do away with sin in our body.

    9. We must not continue in shallow, pointless discussions.

    10. We must give our body wholly to God forever.

    11. We must believe all of God’s promises.

    – God’s Generals ( AA ALLEN )


  4. Pingback: CH SPURGEON | Living Abroad

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