
Rain on us Lord, drench us with Thy Holy Spirit. We seek You Father God with all our heart, and we lean on You to give us wisdom, mercy, understanding, direction, and words to speak. Whatever time zone or zip code we are in, the Holy Spirit has been in our hour, and He travels before us into our tomorrow’s.  Thank You God for not forsaking us, and for the plans You have for us. Our natural depravity depends on Your mercy and grace. Holy Spirit touch each heart ❤️ for the glory of God Almighty 🙌 AMEN

Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, come and fill my thirsty soul. Bread of heaven feed my mind with truth. Fill me with Your Fire, with a Holy Spirit desire, to boldly declare and decree Your sanctifying, soul satisfying Words over those You place before me. Trusting Jesus knows my heart, Lord, here I am use me. Whatever words depart from my mouth, may Your anointing enter deeply into the hearts hearing. 💕 With a double portion of praise, may this generation seek to glorify the one true God of Israel. AMEN ❤️

‭Acts 21:13-14 NLT‬ Paul had been warned not to go to Jerusalem, but he said, “Why all this weeping? You are breaking my heart! I am ready not only to be jailed at Jerusalem but even to die for the sake of the Lord Jesus.” When it was clear that we couldn’t persuade him, we gave up and said, “The Lord’s will be done.”

We live and breathe and have our being “in Him” and for His namesake. Glory to God for all those who seek God, listen and obey.  Our Father is glorified by our obedience and our joy.

Manchester, England

On Mothers day, 2024 the fruit of the Spirit was made public as 27 people chose to get baptized.  A FIRE was ignited in the souls of hungry hearts. Servants went to the streets willing to love on the lost, and the curious in ways that demonstrate God’s love. With great joy, they shared the Gospel, because they could not keep Jesus a secret. “I will not be silenced, I will worship God”

God is moving globally.

Catch the fire 🔥 now!

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