Worthy of Love

From so much losing, I learned humility; from so much crying I learned compassion. Down on my knees so much, my focus is on Who is keeping me alive. Hitting rock bottom, caused me to seek help from the One whose purpose for me is perfect, in every way.

Each time I fall down, I know Who lifts me back up. It is amazing at how my weakness, is made perfect in His strength. In my stillness, never lonely, I learned to be alone with myself and know I’m in good company. Helping others has blessed my soul. Leaning on His promises, I understand and ask and receive His help.

For years I tried to make everything perfect — in my weakened position, I realized that only Jesus is perfect. His love includes all my imperfections. My life lesson is to pray before I speak, or act and issue as much mercy and grace as I have received. Watching dogs run off leash and aimlessly, I learned to be a turtle and cross the finish line by His grace and in His timing.

In this life nothing is certain, only death.  Reason enough  to choose the ever present JOY in each moment.  Regardless of what others think, I embrace that  nothing belongs to me. All that I have is a gift, including each moment, each encounter, and every breath. Victory belongs to Jesus, all growth is caused by His Spirit, all good comes from or Father. Casting Vision

The best, most reliable friend we can ever have is Jesus. All other friends move in and out in passing seasons.  The love of Jesus remains even after our physical departure. He proved His love for us without us ever asking. His faithfulness is not an obligation, but it is God’s real faultless character and pleasure to love us as we are, and transform us.

Living “in Him” and through Him, life is beautiful with all its comings and goings, ups and downs, and in it’s colors, flavors, sounds and messes. Enjoying every detail, of each moment is a choice. We mess up and make mistakes but our faithful Friend, He gives us 70 × 7 second chances to turn back to Him.

Whatever was meant to harm us, our Father uses to bless us. His forgiveness erases every painful memory, as far as the East is from the West. Walking in God’s ways, we delight in how everything improves with His higher perspective. Don’t try to impress others or God. Just live and enjoy having His guiding hand on your shoulder. Our Promise Keeper is faithful to His Word and the Best Is Yet To Come! Hallelujah Reunions

In 1991 I went to hear an angel seminar in Texas. I was homeless and desperate. During the opening prayer, an angel appeared before me. My eyes were closed, tears were pouring down my face. He reached into my chest cavity, pulled out my heart, lifted it up to heaven, then placed it back in my chest. ❤ When I opened my eyes, the seminar was over. God wanted me to meet my angel personally. This experience was 33 years ago. I am 72 now and I believe that this experience ignited and engaged my faith. Holy Fire 🔥burns away all that is not of God.

I believe in angels

Tim Sheets has studied angels for many years. Angels do assist us in tearing down strongholds.

My mother, Maria Crane, painted this picture of Arch Angel Michael. Another encounter with the super natural occured in Texas while I was unemployed.  A light beam bounced off a wall and lit up this painting, and the lips began to move. The next morning, I got a call to apply for a job. AT&T hired me that day with an advance flight to San Francisco to reunite with my son.

Trust that Holy Spirit works in us and God’s angel army is now assisting us to take down strongholds with each bold declaration. The rulers of darkness are being uprooted as the remnant  boldly declares God’s Word.‭  Jer 1:10 NLT‬ Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. Some you must uproot and tear down, destroy and overthrow. Others you must build up and plant.”

Choose to declare that you  agree to participate with God’s angel armies. Holy Spirit lead us through the needed shaking. Awaken us with the all-consuming fire of our Lord Jesus. We decree and declare that the prince of Persia is now being defeated as a great harvest is occurring across this globe.  Glory to God. AMEN

To all my sisters, mentors and spiritual moms. Thank you for your valued input. Words of grace to all:
To the moms living,
To moms gone,
Celebrate all times..
The sorrowful,
The wonderful.
Such memories made.
Cherish all moments,
For they never return.
Regrets may crash ashore.
BUT GOD, eternity – His gift.
Intended as a hopeful lift.
He created us for more.
The Man of sorrows,
Weeped over us and said;
Hold on to My promise…
of much, much much more.
Rejoice in My coming…
Soon is rapidly approaching.
Be happy, and at peace.
Remain faithful,
Knowing, trusting,
Certain of your destiny.

Hear Me speak,
dear beloved…
seek the unseen, I am there.
Stand strong in Me,
Gaze into the mirror
and reflect on Me.
Look upon My throne,
Hear Me my child,
you are not alone.
Angels surround you
in beautiful song.
Admire the mystery –
and joy’s simplicity.
Remember, I dwell
in your secret place.
Store up memories,
As treasures.
I cried with you, and I fought and won many battles for you. Think of Me smiling and highly expectant of our face-to-face day……
it will be full of grace.
Think of Me,
our reunion…
and all the rejoicing.

2 thoughts on “Worthy of Love

    • God bless 🙌 you ❤️ I’m not sure with whom I write, but you have a mom. The day a child is born, a new mother is born. New moms get weary of 24/7 caring, nurturing, feeding, and disciplining. We make mistakes, and we learn as we mom. God chose the womb that He would knit together a new life in as He grows both into Who He unites with an eternal bond. He who knows all things, counts the hairs on each head, and every hour of compassion shown. He knows the hours moms spend serving and praying for those whom they love. Mothers will cheer us, and tell us the truths that stretch us. Our Father God planted the seed of faith that our moms water with an endless spout of love. We honor our Mothers out of respect for all they invested in us. Thanks MOM


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