Love Letters

To the living,
To saints gone on,
Celebrate these times..
The sorrowful,
The wonderful.
Cherish all moments,
For they never return.
Regrets may crash ashore.
BUT GOD, eternity – His gift.
Intended as a hopeful lift.
He created us for more.
The Man of sorrows,
Weeped over us and said;
Hold on to My promise…
of much, much much more.
Rejoice in My coming…
Soon is rapidly approaching.
Be happy, and at peace.
Remain faithful,
Knowing, trusting,
Certain I have never left.
Hear Me speak,
dear beloved…
seek the unseen, I am there.
Stand strong in Me,
Gaze into the mirror
and reflect on Me.
Look upon My throne,
Hear Me — my child,
you are not alone.
Angels surround you
in beautiful song.
Admire the mystery –
and joy’s simplicity.
Remember, I dwell
in your secret place.
Store up memories,
As treasures.
I laugh and cry with you, I won battles for you.
Think of Me, smiling
and expectant of
our face-to-face day.
It will be full of grace.
Think of Me, and
our soon reunion…
and all the rejoicing.

Once upon a time, when one received a handwritten letter, a curious delight did cause pause. The recipient sat down — and with joy, inspected the style of penmanship and the blotted seal. Proceeding with the utmost, delicate precision, the envelope was then sliced slowly open. A particular ornate knife was used to perform this tiny task. Eyes peered inside the open envelope as if the lid of an enchanting treasure chest had been unlocked.  Reaching inside, the first touch of the paper revealed its first message. The finely chosen paper indicated a huge importance. A feathered quill had dipped into a rare ink – then with heart pounding, time was invested into its creation.  The thrill of the writers beguiled hand was considered as the letters communicated the authors intent. What had tenderly brushed across the parchment to express such words of endearment.

What if – we opened our love letter from God with equal awe? The truth is that His living and constantly active Word is ever unveiling more of His mystery.  Every time we read the Holy Bible, our Father is pleased to take us even deeper. His promise to each of us is that He will richly bless those who read His letter of Revelation.  If we read it with childlike awe, this particular letter will stun us still, that we know He is God and that He knows all things. All children are born humble. They are naturally curious and willing to be taught and learn new things. When we process His Word with humility, we are admitting that “I do not know all things and I am willing to have my Teacher, the Holy Spirit, show me new things and give me understanding.” A child agrees to have their beliefs expanded to include exciting Revelations direct from God. Our Father’s Way is beyond what the best scholarly commentators can reveal.

When we process the Word of God as His confessed, fully submitted, open hearted, willing servant; we are open to be changed and conformed more closely to the image of Christ. Our God speaks His love and His future plans for His beloved very clearly. In the days of Noah, God gave mankind oral warnings, written warnings, and visible warnings. Fulfilling Joel 2 and Acts 3 — we can watch a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In 2024 many have experienced a time of refreshing. In these last days, we witness the Joy of the Lord among our youth.

God’s Holy Words were carefully penned to reveal the contents of His heart and our hearts. Like a prescription  from the great Physician, His Word pierces hearts with promises of eternal love. It also issues a diagnosis to the 7 churches in order for mankind to adjust their ways to comply with His. Our Father’s Plan of Salvation is given without hesitation to ALL mankind.  Many signs are posted by God to grab our attention. 

“FAITH is CONFIDENCE in what we HOPE for and ASSURANCE about what we DO NOT SEE. This is what the ancients were commended for. By FAITH we UNDERSTAND that the universe was formed at GOD’S ’s COMMAND, so that what is SEEN was NOT MADE out of what was visible.” Heb 11:1

God spoke Words that caused all that is — to take on substance. Faith is the substance of what was once unseen, and it gives hope to what will be. When we read His love letters to us, the Spirit of God is reading our hearts as He reveals what knowledge is lacking. Our Father sent His Word to us not by airmail, but by His chosen, anointed messengers. Be humble and submit. Never give up on God, His timing is perfect according to our individual needs. ❤️ 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The word SOON in Greek means when it happens, it happens quickly. As Jesus is coming soon, we watch the signs and work with a sense of urgency.

We are wise NOT to IGNORE or dismiss the Scriptures that we did NOT underline, understand or highlight in our Bibles. There are purposed treasures in each word. Keeping on track with what God is actually saying we must keep in mind the audience, His timeline of revelation, and the context in which the word was written. For instance when Paul was in prison he wrote Philippians 4:13 to say whether he was in chains, or if he was a free citizen, he was enabled to present the truth effectively, because the Spirit of God used his personality and passion to penetrate the hardest of hearts.

God has a plan for you

Basic understanding which most Bible scholars agree upon. The dragon represents Satan. The Lamb and the Child is Jesus. The Seven Spirits ♥️ is the Holy Spirit, who is complete in His power. The seven stars are the 7 angels, or the 7 leaders of the 7 churches. The 24 Elders around God’s throne are wearing the white gowns of purity with crowns. Their identity will be made known.  The Scroll is the Book of Life, which has 7 seals, it is unwound by Jesus one seal at a time. The 2 Witnesses are Elijah and Moses or …. The 144,000 are Jews. The Harlot is the One World Government. The beast of the earth is the sidekick of the Antichrist.

As a forever student, I was blessed 🙌 to join a fellowship of Friends of Jesus at the beach. A giant thanks to Rose for opening her casa, and Barb Powell for leading. We learned more revelation from our Lord Jesus. Hallelujah, glory to God.

Do all things as if you are employed by the King of kings, because you are. We water the seed, and He makes it grow in His perfect timing. Therefore, we may wait a few seasons to see fruit, or we wait, live, and die and never see the fruit for our devoted labor for the King. If we feel entitled to get recognition, we will suffer in our waiting. It is natural for our flesh to seek attention for our contributions. It is also natural to maybe feel entitled to a promotion for all our hard work.  The problem with entitlement is that it kills our gratitude.  The POINT 👉  IS to Know that God is pleased with our best effort. That revelation is more than sufficient.  We each do what we do for His glory, not our recognition. This keeps His servant in  humble gratitude. We choose to be grateful for the opportunity to use the gift He gave us to glorify Him.

SOON = lightning fast when it happens

Revelation is a book of hope. John, a beloved disciple, used the best words in his vocabulary to describe  the marvels he was shown. With care, he obediently wrote down all that Jesus revealed to him. Things in the churches that surrounded the island of Patmos were not as they needed to be to please our Holy God.

John records all with awe and wonder for our personal blessing. A series of visions portray the rise of evil, which escalates over time to culminate with the dragon placing his smooth talking puppet in power as the Antichrist. Near the end of the book, John records the triumph of Jesus, the King of kings. The Wedding Supper of the Lamb. The final Judgment. The coming of the new Jerusalem. The book ends with Satan defeated, and all false religious destroyed as God rewards His faithful. All readers are once again promised of Christ’s SOON return. “Come, Lord Jesus!” AMEN

3 thoughts on “Love Letters

  1. A message from Barbara Turner, who resides with her husband Brad in Colima. Both are avid students of the Word. “Beautiful writing Barbara! And you are a good note taker it seems. We learn so much more when we write things down and even more when we formulate our notes and thoughts with clarity such as you have done. God Bless You! Thanks for sharing this. We were so happy you joined us yesterday!! 💕 “

    These Friends of Jesus meet in rotating homes on Mondays at 2 pm in Manzanillo, Colima.

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  2. God is with us. Wherever we are, He is. Jesus is the Lover of our souls. ❤️ When life hurts, He comforts. When friends abandon you, He never leaves. God made it pretty easy for us to join Him in eternity, a glorious place without pain, sickness, hatred, lying, or ever suffering any rejection or disease.

    All we must do is BELIEVE that Jesus paid the full price for our sins of rebellion, pride, lying, and self-sufficiency. Jesus willing poured out His precious Blood to cover all our sins. We get saved by His grace. NOT what we do, and NOT by our church attendance, or Bible knowledge.

    Do you believe that you fall short, and that one day He will judge all mankind? If you agree that you are unprepared to face our Holy God, then say with your mouth, “I am a sinner,” and BELIEVE in your heart ❤️ that Jesus is Lord, and King of kings. Pray: Heavenly Father, I come to you humbly in the name of Jesus. Forgive me for my stubborn ways. Forgive me for resisting Your free gift of faith and salvation. Romans 8:6 “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Please show me how to live by the Spirit of God, and not my flesh. Jesus save me from my selfish desires and be my Lord, and govern my life. AMEN ❤️

    Congratulations! Welcome to the family of God! You’ve been legally adopted and sealed with the Holy Spirit. He will give you understanding as you read the Bible. Join a church and feed your hunger, fill the emptiness of your soul with more of Jesus, the Truth, His Ways, and enjoy Eternal Life. 1 Peter 5:7-9 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing FIRM in the FAITH, because you know that the FAMILY of believers throughout the world is undergoing the SAME kind of SUFFERINGS.”


  3. Carter Nystrom led the Christian men’s group for a short time at Lakeside. He quoted Richard Cecil “God’s way of answering the Christian’s prayer for more patience, experience, hope and love often is to put him into the furnace of affliction.” This is a notice to the slightly charred folks at Lakeside that we need to continue to rub up against the salty and FAITHFUL. When we do, our rough edges get burned away, and we walk away smelling a bit like smoke. Remember, with prayer we don’t give God instructions— we report for duty! Let us all keep our FIRE hot.

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