
We are all influenced by what we see, taste, touch, smell and hear. Movement, Color, Music, Taste and the great outdoors keeps us in touch with the Creator of all good things.  Our Father encourages us to keep our eyes on what He is doing.

The world offers us many distractions. Contentment in life requires simplicity. Too many voices and choices gets us all tangled up over priority. Choose to watch too much violence and soon become dissatisfied with a state of peace. Choose to scroll across social media and note a scrambled sense of purpose. Choose 2 hours of global news, then compare your level of satisfaction after 2 hours of Bible reading. Who do we allow to rule our thoughts? 

Unplug and pray. Spend face to face time with your  loved ones. Take a walk. The greatest Influencer is the Holy Spirit. Be in control of who  influences you.  One day offers 24 hours, people routinely spend 10 hours producing or relaxing. Make a greater impact by going into a quiet place and tuning into what God says. It is a matter of a Taster’s Choice. Make God a priority. Ever wonder WHY GOD allowed the revival of Pentecost to die? Our Father allows us to get dissatisfied with what we already have. Hungry for more —progressive love.

Greater than the ascension and glorification of Jesus is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Our life ‘in’ Christ — is God in man. Once we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, He takes progressive possession of our nature. Today we are all candidates for a 2nd or 3rd Baptism. To arrive at the throne of God receiving more.  The Sons and Daughters of God will take back this world for the Kingdom of God. Acts 10 tells the story of Peter praying in a trance on a rooftop, and the Lord’s voice spoke. Then, all present at the house of Cornelius are baptized in the Holy Spirit.  Saul, becomes Paul, then 3 years later, Paul prays in a trance.  Read the Word of God with an open heart to receive the Holy Spirit. God used John G. Lake in South Africa, and Oregon. John’s teaching on the Holy Spirit.

Is your reverence for God increasing? Ask for it.

7 thoughts on “Influencers

    • Zoe or eternity is a word given 130 times – the repetition of a word in scripture should cause us to wonder why? God repeats Himself so that we get what has been delivered, into us supernaturally. Thinking deeply is a sign of a hungry soul. Mankind craves living longer, life eternal. We all came into being by our Father as an eternal beings. A clear teaching on heaven includes words about being in the Presence of God. Jesus gave us the truth about eternity. Finding the Pearl of great price will cause us to want more. We cannot outgrow or get enough of the life Jesus gave us. Thanks for sharing.

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  1. Kathryn Kuhlman was a woman who surrendered completely to God. She was taken over by the Holy Spirit and He worked through her mightily. Her ministry had a great cost, just like all other apostles.

    Kathry wrote “You’ll never know how I feel, all people see is the glamour—the white dress. They don’t see the hours in prayer, the heartache. It’s a hard, hard ministry. I’m overwhelmed by God and His power. When I come out on stage, there is an anointing that comes on me, and it is very difficult to explain. These things are supernatural. That’s the reason it is so hard for the natural mind to comprehend. But there is an anointing that comes upon me. I am completely taken over by the Holy Spirit—just completely. But there is a price you pay. You cannot expect an anointing for four hours during a service if for 20 hours you have lived a different life than one totally consecrated to Him. And He gives you this wonderful anointing, but I still have nothing to do with these miracles.” – Kathryn Kuhlman


  2. God seeks to inhabit our praises, and He also seeks to inhabit us, to fully possess us. Like Jesus, Kuhlman, Lake, and Wigglesworth. Fully surrendered servants that the Holy Spirit inhabited, and worked through. As we yearn to glorify God, He works in us, to sanctify us to represent God as His Ambassadors of Goodwill on earth.

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  3. Pingback: Spontaneous | Living Abroad

  4. Pingback: John G Lake | Living Abroad

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