Bible Based

The best way to live and to think — is based on what the Bible says. “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3 NIV Our Father is not patient, kind and faithful to respond to our crys because we deserve it, He loves us because He created us to be in relationship with Him. The Word of Almighty God was bound up in book form from the original ancient Hebrew and Greek scrolls. Instead of scrolling through the internet for truth, the most reliable resource is a written Bible. It does not matter what translation, just pick one that feeds your spirit. Before “AI” changes the text, get an old fashioned written Bible NOW. It is such a postive, life changing influencer, it is a threat to those that wish to be god and rule the world. Enjoy dining on the only BOOK that can satisfy your hunger for the TRUTH. Allow your Creator to feed your spirit with a meal that actually changes your heart. “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV

Choose to wear out the binding, and take your Bible wherever you go. Flip through it at the coffee shop, in public – instead of your cell phone! That activity alone will draw you into conversations with the Lord and whoever He brings to your table. Ask questions and expect the Holy Spirit to give you understanding! It is totally fascinating how God wonderfully created us, then He legally adopted us with a seal. Like any good Father, He delights to feed His once lost, hungry kids the perfect meal. God delivers His Holy Spirit into those who invite Jesus to be their Redeemer. Gladly surrender to the only Promise Keeper. “Your work to know God will be rewarded. There is hope for your eternal future.” Jeremiah 31:16-17 Because He first loved us, we return to the One who is faithful to lead us, guide and provide for all our needs. Be taught by the world’s best Teacher. He desires to teach us all things and there is no limit to what He will reveal. Life is not about what we make happen, it is all about what God invites us to receive. Each day has been sifted through His hands. By His Word we are ignited in spirit and in truth to be agents of His mercy and share our story of rescue and redemtion.

“Teach your children the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 The best teaching method is to be an example. Dig into your Bible with such zeal that all who are watching are inspired. Humbled by His grace we are spiritualy encouraged by being the King’s kid, knowing that our Father keeps His promises. “I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” Jeremiah 31:13 NIV Study Who God is and be comforted by your Father’s love. Share in His Spirit and experience His tenderness, patience and compassion. The attraction to His goodness compels us to listen intently. Like a child wants to please their Father, we desire to make our Father’s joy complete by being like-minded while fully digesting and assimilating His love. We enthusiastically press into the Holy Spirit, aware that we give our Father great pleasure. The orginal LOST and FOUND Department was established out of pure love by God. Who among us has ever lost their keys, a wallet, our glasses or perhaps a kid at Wal-Mart? The anxiety was real and ===oh, the exhileration and relief is awesome when we found what had been lost! Our Father desires that we all return to Him after being lost in the sin of pride, rebellion, and a stubborn contentment that life is hard and nobody cares. Truth is, while we were still drenched in filth, He was persistently seeking us. We resisted all those Christians – until one day, we broke and surrendered. Ephesians 2:13 “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” The cost to find and restore us was the cross. His blood was the perfect sacrifice required to redeem us. Think of our Father’s elation, His exhuberant joy when we repent and return to Him. Luke 15:1-10

His Word is alive in us and it is doing a supernatural work while we sleep and while we are awake. He never stops refining, teaching, prompting, convicting and increasing our faith in His promises, His perfect Way, and His marvelous ever-lasting love. “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Phil 2:1-2 NIV –

I am so very glad to have found “How to Faith A Life” a place where Bible Nerds gather to encourage one another. A local group of Bible Nerds meet up with great delight in Mexico to marvel about the nuggets of gold we mine from the Mind of God. Thank you Father for creating these wonderful women of God who humbly seek to serve the kingdom. We are Your children and we are happiest when we chase after the heart of God. Listening and learning while living in Mexico, it is astounding that no matter where you are, He is. Our Father created each of us for a personal relationship. We work out our salvation by humbly serving others with a word of encouragement, or simple helps during the messy times of life. “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you SHINE like STARS in the universe as you HOLD OUT the WORD OF LIFE” Phil 2:14-16 NIV Be open to learn more, then SHINE more brightly knowing that His ways are ever superior to the ways of this world! Follow this serious-seminary-on-fire-Bible- student on YouTube. Faith Womack is a ray of sunshine in a dark world – a pure delight! ” I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Phil 3:7 NIV

Philippians is a letter of JOY. “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 Paul had always supported himself as a tentmaker. On his 2nd missionary journey he established the first church in Europe in Philippi. Paul was in prison in Rome just about 10 years after he founded the church in Philippi. Paul conceived in his heart that his earthly friendships would continue in eternity in the day of Christ’s return. His happiness complete with the climax of the certain rapture when he would greet his beloved friends in the kingdom. The letter reads as if Paul expected his trial to come to a speedy end as he hoped to reach Spain. (Phil 2:24 – Romans 15:24) Apparently the believers in Philippi had not made much headway as their emphasis returned to observing the Law of Moses. Paul counts it all as rubbish (Phil 3:8) as he pictures himself in a race, using all his strength, like a runner crossing the finish line, with the glimpse of glory ever before him. ( 2 Corin 12:4)

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petetition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6 Epaphroditus nearly lost his life while traveling to Rome with an offering of money for Paul. Their support deeply touched him, and Paul sent Epa back to Philippi with this letter most likely dictated by Timothy. (Phil 2:25) Perhaps Epa also hinted to Paul that there were seeds of divisiveness in the pride of certain Philippian leaders, specifically Euodia and Syntyche, two prominent women whose homes were used as churches. (Phil 4:2) Paul is elated for the financial support, not so much for himself, but because God would reward them for their share in building the kingdom. God would credit their generosity to their account. (Phil 2:25) Joy is the predominant tone of this letter written by a radically transformed man who faithfully focused on his mission for 30 years. Even though he had been mobbed, beaten, stoned and left for dead, Paul’s joy overflowed as he wrote Rejoice, Rejoice always! (Phil 4-7) What is most important? That Christ is preached, that the Gospel is shared. “What matters is that Jesus is shared. If selfish ambition, or with a false or true motive, the Holy Spirit will grow that seed. When the Gospel is shared differently, the God response is always REJOICE! Phil 1:18 NIV – God warns us “Do not judge” Matthew 7:1 Our Father also warns us that if we are angry with our brother we are subject to His judgement. Matthew 5:21. We are the Light of the world, and we are to shine before men and speak up for Christ and not go along with the crowd. Matt 5:14 – How are we to think of The Chosen, or about anything that spreads the Gospel? “Think whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, praiseworthy and admitable.” Phil 4:8 so says Paul, the Hebrew of Hebrews who considers all his knowledge rubbish in compared to the greatness of knowing Jesus.

The man who plays Zebedee confessed his IDOLS, was prayed over and changed by an encounter with Jesus. He grew up in Lebanon, a war torn country as a Greek Orthodox. His grandfather was a priest. He admits that he was reluctant to go to a prayer meeting, but after an hour, he heard a voice have recount all of his idols; bank account, career, his family, his toys. He surrendered his life to Christ and now he reads the Bible. He was anointed with oil, and was changed. The actor is now a Bible Nerd.

4 thoughts on “Bible Based

  1. June 26, 2023 I purchased a FAITH NERD sticker from HOW TO FAITH A LIFE and a PINK T-Shirt to wear when I go to the Paris Cafe for a cappacino with the Lord. You never know who He will guide to join me as I flip through my decorated Bible. Faith is not a Bible reveiwer, as a seminary student she dives into the various translations. A literal translation makes no sense of all. ESV, NIV, NKJ, NSAB, NLV – all is up for discusiion. Ancient Hebrew and Greek does not translate perfectly into today’s language. Language evolves and we want to understand our Father. AMEN Check this out.

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  2. Pingback: Battle unto Victory | Living Abroad

  3. Today at Colibri Garden breaking bread, (oatmeal cookie and latte) with Jesus. My heart is ablaze because the reality of the risen Jesus in me is beyond my wordy capacity to describe! The spirit in me is humbled as my Lord speaks to me personally as i dine on Luke 24:45. Our God keeps all of His promises and He sent the Holy Spirit to abide in us to teach, guide and give us understanding. The Holy Spirit empowers us from on high. Let that sink in deep. Ever present, He discerns our tgoufhts and the attitudes of our heart. Oh Lord may my attitudes this day reflect Your gentle, humble kindness. There is nothing like the promise of a friend or loved one to stand with you during challenging times; whatever we face, great or small, we are not without support. You and me, Jesus, Mary, Abraham, Joshua and Jeremiah have all faced difficulties. The GOOD NEWS is that our ever available Friend is none other than Jesus Christ – not only is He our best Friend, He is our closest relative that CHOSE to redeem us. Jesus calls us His friend and yet He is the King of kings, our Lord, Redeemer, Healer, Protector, Provider and our bestie! 👋 Just let that truth register deeply. The truth sets us free to be unshakable. He is the treasure stored in our restored, and fully satisfied, saturated hearts. ❤️ AMEN

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