Healthy Choices

“Eat meat” and be healthy

We know what to do, and we know what works for our optimal health, but sadly, we get tempted and easily STOP doing what works best for us. Getting back on track after binging on carbs, is done quickly, once you examine the evidence in recent pictures! Follow the path of least resistance, join in what everyone else can do, and then reconsider your decisions.

Carnivore 5 years, now Keto

A picture is worth 1,000 words. Next time you go to a medical specialist, remember they only parrot what they learned in medical school. I asked my kidney specialist what to eat? My Nephrologist admitted he did not know about nutrition. 

Brain surgeon in Australia

After my own study of evidence,  I chose to eat high protein, and my kidney function improved and went to normal for my age of 71. That specialist said once GFR is down, it only gets worse, never better. With low GFR, all patients face kidney dialysis. That is a lie!Thank God for discernment. Be wise, listen to voices that know about the power of nutrition for optimal health. Carnivore is easy, meal planning made simple. Meat and water. Zero fruit, sugar or vegetables. Prayer and eating meat is what restored my kidney function. Thank You Holy Spirit for guiding me. I’m listening.

Orthopedic surgeon in USA

Books are written to support a vegan way of eating, a low-carb Keto way of eating, and the many benefits of a  meat only way of eating. Psychiatrists and medical doctors report major mind and body function improvement on a meat only lifestyle.

Beef Rancher in Australia

My heart ❤️ problems and anxiety were solved. Read both sides and make a choice that works. Fasting 16 hours daily, reducing sugar, and eating pure protein gives me mental clarity and great energy.

A trained Medicine doctor

What does God’s Word say about eating food? Eating and drinking fuel for the body and soul is most important. Look up Tiffany Davis, a Christian woman who is carnivore for 5 years, she is now Keto/Carnivore! Choose your path, walk in it long enough to measure its effectiveness.

Holy Spirit speak Your truth to me. I shall obey quickly and resist the devil! His daily assignment is to weaken me. With authority I choose to speak “I cancel Satan’s plan to kill me with sugar!” I laugh at the voice that says, “go ahead, have the cupcake.” I choose this day to take good care of my body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. I shout “NO” and recognize truth! I choose to DENY my flesh and remain strong by fasting, praying, and praising God for the victory.

Physical and Mental Health benefits are reported by cutting out sugar and carbohydrates. Another doctor Chris Palmer, MD who practices what he preaches has a book that tracks cases. Follow him on FB or Website.

Alcoholics, Bi-polar reversed

While some people remain skeptical about the benefits of the keto diet, multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies suggest that the keto diet could help lose weight faster compared to other diets.Since its rise in popularity in 2016, the keto diet has become one of the world’s most popular diets. Iterestingly enough, many studies have found that this high-fat diet was indeed effective in helping people lose weight, minimize hunger, restore energy and increase mind function. After 3-4 days of following this high-fat, low-carb diet, our body is depleted of glucose, which is a source of energy that comes from eating carbs (we eat very few carbs during keto, which massively reduces glucose levels).

Eggs, Avacado on a beef patty

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