
Praise God for His way is perfect. Life is always exciting as we trust in God. Our Father continues to surprise and astound us. His plan is marvelous, His goodness is everlasting, His mercy never ends, His love is boundless, and we stand in awe — touched by His presence, we sweetly weep as we praise Him.

We make plans, but we quickly adjust our plans as we walk in the Spirit with overflowing gratitude. Today, one hour after our friend exited the hospital, it was Gods plan that we enjoy a turkey dinner with Mark and Linda. By the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, we are definitely NOT normal. We were set apart for His purposes, and we are humbled by His consistent message. “I love you.”

Evidence of the power of the Holy Spirit is when He takes ahold of our tongues and He speaks through us to win souls for the kingdom of God. We are living in our in-between of who we once were — and in being who God created us to be. The Holy Spirit is the divine Person sent to help us in our in-between. He is NOT a feeling, He is someone we listen to, rely on, and learn from. We believe in ONE GOD and our Father sent us the Holy Spirit to be in us, just as He was in Jesus. Our Father’s thoughts and His ways are not ours. We don’t want a God we can figure out, package up and keep in our box of understanding. The Holy Spirit came to teach us all things, to lead us, to convict us, to protect, guide and comfort us. He didn’t come just to give us a heavenly language, He came into us to take us deeper in our understanding of God as He glorifies our Savior Jesus. 

We were once DELIVERED, but today, we live in a wild culture, and we require regular maintenance and additional deliveries. We persevere in our TRUST in God — as He DEVELOPS us through difficult seasons into our DESTINY. Our faith in God may be weak at times, but our steadfast TRUST — that our Father has GOT US — in His hands — NEVER changes.

POINT OF Sermon below: In our seasons of the hard in-betweens, we choose to NOT grieve the Holy Spirit — so we purpose and choose to trust God, and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and understanding. We receive instruction, follow, and in our obedience we get blessed. We do NOT surrender to our circumstances, the empty purse, a diagnosis, our feelings or our comfortable old ways. We  choose to surrender to the Holy Spirit ❤️ and DELIGHT in the ways of our Lord. There is NOTHING better!

Let your light shine brightly all year

As long as we repent and forgive, we continue to be delivered from self-deception; pride and the lies from the Father of all lies, Satan. Pastor Vlad teaches the next generation about the Holy Spirit. A summary of this message in the content above. If you ever get discouraged, listen to the wisdom of this message repeatedly.

Great book by Mark and Patti Virkler entitled “4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice.” Prayer is a Dialogue, NOT a Monologue. Prayer links our souls to God. It is a relationship which requires being still, listening, and writing down what the Spirit reveals to us. Journaling is powerful, effective, as it gives us direction, hope, enthusiasm just like when a friend encourages us. When prayer time is a regimented duty, it is robotic, without heart. Still time with the Holy Spirit talking to us is—a dynamic dialogue. He loosens our routine with new revelation, and spontaneity. We actually experience His Presence in our midst! We get a word from God’s Spirit direct to our spirit. Our heart swells as our brain processes. Jesus did nothing on His own, but only what He heard and saw the Father doing. John 5:19-30 FIRST: We have the divine Person of the Holy Spirit ever with us. We ask, listen, record personal love notes in the in-between. We avoid decay by walking carefully with a full cup of the Holy Spirit. Deliverance; Development; Destiny. ❤️

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