Sisters Unite

Called, Forgiven, Adopted, Anointed

These 4 famous women have something in common. Rahab, Tamar, Ruth and Bathsheba are all in the Jesus family tree! These women were hand picked just like you and me. Some had affairs, some were prostitutes. Some lied and were not perfect in any way. But still God chose them… Hallelujah for the all inclusive redemption plan of God! All who believe by faith are transformed by His amazing grace. That’s why we can all expect to wear a crown someday. Our Creator and Redeemer called us and rescued us all from a dark pit. We have all felt like outsiders, like has-beens, or never-beens. For centuries, weary mankind has been tormented, accused, rejected and abused.

Wellspring has a prayer for that!

In the past, we have all suffered, been taken advantage of in some way. Praise God that our life of misery and heartbreak has been given a way out! By confession, repentance and by gladly issuing forgiveness, we are no longer fed up, but filled up! Hallelujah! We are no longer invisible, silenced, unwanted or without purpose! God chose us, He set us apart and gifted us individually with a great commission. We do not desire to fit in on planet earth because this is not our home. Our faith is strong and we will not be silent. There is no denying that we are truly different, actually magnificent!

We are sisters ❤️ in Spirit

We believe what we read in God’s Holy Word. We fight for what is right, as we capture every thought to discern truth from lies. Out of His great love, Jesus claimed us as His and He gave us a voice. Yes, to all wandering women, all wounded, and worn out…come join us in a Wellspring of Joy for being adopted, anointed, and delivered from generations of sins. Our Lord grafted us all into His royal line. As women of faith, our testimony continues to roll out as we follow the Holy Spirit. Our heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus, and the entire host of heaven celebrates our growth ‘in Him’ by Him and for His glory! We were given a new identity, a new name, and a white stone. One day we will stand before His throne, and receive a crown to lay at His feet. Merry Christmas to all my sisters in Christ.

One thought on “Sisters Unite

  1. We make December 25th, a designated annual day to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and our rebirth “in Him”. All Sisters-in-Christ and Brothers-in-Belief all KEEP our faith in Jesus Christ. Because of Who He is and what He did for us on the Cross ✝️ We continue to choose His will, His way over ours. We put “The Greatest Gift” into practice daily.
    A tradition each Christmas is the giving of a gift. Personally we all have fond memories of receiving various gifts. As children, the excitement of Christmas Eve or Christmas morning when we were given permission to open our gifts—our adored child-like anticipation kept many kids awake. As adults we have grown to appreciate that the greatest joy is in our giving rather than in our receiving. The greatest GIFT any of us have ever received, opened, and used is our GIFT OF FAITH. Our good Father gave us the most spectacular treasure! Oh Lord, remember unto me the excitement in my soul, the thrill of my first FAITH in You. Holy Spirit revive my soul with ever increasing FAITH, TRUST and BELIEF in the Word of God. Mesmerize my eyes with a glimpse of Your glory, still my thoughts and soak my mind with a live stream of Scriptures. Today we choose to unwrap the most precious, invisible gift ever given. We choose to celebrate His promises kept, that He fills us, He finishes us, as He continues to complete His mission to make Himself known through us. One day every year the world turns on twinkle lights without a conscious awareness of Who created them, and every blazing star in the universe. The miraculously transformed folks shine from within knowing that God gifted His Son to the world. Let us open that gift every day! The greatest gift of all was not placed beneath a tree, but upon a tree. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of faith and everlasting life in You. AMEN. 2 Corin 9:15 – “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.”


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