Walk Humbly

Stand in awe, walk humbly.

It is predicted that an explosion of grace, of God’s mighty power, like a hurricane wind, is about to hit the planet! Let TRUTH sink in deep. “FAITH is CONFIDENCE in what we HOPE for and ASSURANCE about what we do not see.” Heb 11:1 ❤️ More GREAT confirmed news! 2 Corin 9:8 “God is able to BLESS you ABUNDANTLY, so that in ALL THINGS at ALL TIMES, having all that you need, you will ABOUND in every GOOD work.” Again in Acts 4:33 “great grace” is tucked inside  God’s promises. God’s favor is the ability to believe in the astounding power of God as we yield to Holy Spirit to do His will through us.  Dutch speaks boldy in February 2024 to give us a WORD to ignite the CHURCH.

Holy Spirit, I choose to partner with You today. Holy Spirit, I fully surrender my body, mind, and soul to You. I choose to put on pause everything I have learned — so that You can show me the NEW thing You are doing.  Help me resist my old crucified flesh, and remember that You are Holy, and You know more than all scholars combined. Guide me today as I choose to LISTEN and obey Your WISE counsel.  Thanks for the exciting, fresh Word You delivered through Dutch Sheets.  I agree that NO WORD OF GOD COMES BACK VOID. God’s Word NEVER looses it’s POWER.” AMEN

Dutch taught “A Biblical confession is when we speak the Word God gave us to speak for His will to be done. In the beginning, as God tells us in Genesis, there was a vast darkness. In other words, there were no stars, no planets, and zero light. It was all desolate, waste, a worthless thing, empty, chaos, a barren wasteland. There was no sound, or voice, or thing —until God the Father had Jesus speak, and Holy Spirit hover, and a voice said “Let it be…and it came to be!” John 1:2-4 “He (Jesus) was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.”

What was chaos became organized, what was dark began to sparkle with light, what was worthless had value, what was barren produced new life. A vast nothing became a solar system, trees, animals, birds, oceans, and fish. God was NOT intimidated by the dark then, and today, His seed has spread worldwide. His Word is being confessed in faith around the globe.  Whoever was blind is about to see the miraculous occur as Holy Spirit is hovering over the seeds planted.  A giant harvest is about to blow the watchers away as the partakers of the divine speak boldly what God has them say. Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name, let it be done!  Open the naysayers sight, give the doubters faith, make the blind receive spiritual sight and open the deaf ears to hear the Spirit of God speaking Truth into their souls.  Glory to God. AMEN


Holy Spirit hover over me that the Word of God in me — manifests into greater grace and boldness. “Let it be done, now in Jesus’ name. My desire is to NEVER grieve Holy Spirit, by hesitation, fear, or selfishness.  Holy Spirit, forgive me for ignoring You in the past and doing things my way, and for leaning on my own understanding of Scripture or God’s matchless, confounding, limitless ways.  Thank You for never giving up on me as I can be stubborn and hard headed. ❤️  A person has few faithful friends and even less reliable sources on earth. Without Holy Spirit leading, guiding, convicting, and empowering us with boldness,  the world would soon crash, BUT GOD!

Heart Revival comes by God’s remnant being determined with tenacity to refuse to quit believing — in God’s Word. We are ‘trouble’ to the enemy because we persevere and we are MORE STUBBORN and PERSISTENT than the devil. “The Word of the Lord stands forever!” God has held the dust of the earth in a basket. Nobody taught God wisdom. Nobody intimidates or undermines God’s Word or His plan. Nobody, No preacher, no idea, No other teaching over rules what God said. God never lies, God never loses, and God’s Holy, Living and Active Word has ever returned void.

Our trusted Friend, Holy Spirit, sticks closer than a brother, He is the one Friend who truly cares about our eternal destination. The church is the display of Holy Spirit on the earth. For thousands of years, we have been a witness to what HOLY SPIRIT does through ordinary people. What our Father delivered into us makes us His ministers of divine grace. “My child, you are the visible image of MY HOLY SPIRIT!” — Walk humbly as an ambassador of the Most High. We carry the Light of the world. We are made in His image. Visibly we represent the King. I am convinced that the world is changed by men and women who are aware of His omnipresent Spirit. Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Do not call evil good. He gave us a voice to speak against evil.

Dutch Sheets and Andres Bisonni have much to say about the FULLNESS of GOD’S time and it is NOW. Invade and Transform The account of Nehemiah reminds us — as the remnant of God –that in order to build the wall, to build His Church — we must resist the devil daily. The deceiver is persistent and his schemes are slippery and sly. 24/7 the liar continues to try and undermine our faith in the One True Living God. As His hands, feet, and lips, we are His workers. Our job is to focus on what God said and allow Holy Spirit to increase our boldness to keep working. We believe and trust God by faith, regardless of the negative narrative. What foolish leader would dare heap insults upon Jesus Christ? Long ago God ordained the preservation of His people, Israel. In days of old God planned it. NOW in 2024 it is time that HIS REMNANT SAYS “Let it be done!”  God is waiting for people to get fed up with and BELIEVE that only God, can do this through those willing to be His voice. Don’t be a Jonah!  Confidence in Who?

Whenever we willingly choose to silence Holy Spirit, He grieves and we miss out on His greater grace.  Walk humbly and trust God.  Jesus  calls us by name, and our names are in His book of Life. Hallelujah! He shows us a different way to view time, and to count and measure our steps towards eternity. Holy Spirit teaches by way of conviction. “This is the Way, walk in it.” His divine way of counting us worthy of His name is by our obedience. He gives us great grace and a measure of faith sufficient to believe in His promises. Each act of kindness is recorded and stored in a sort of safe deposit box in heaven where no thief can steal it. The spiritually blind are given restored sight. The spiritually deaf get their hearing restored. Jesus warns all in Matthew 13:10 and Mark 4:10 and Luke 8:9 and John 9:39 to not just hear, but listen and obey.  All glory to our Father who placed Holy Spirit in our life for such a time as this. ❤️

As Holy Spirit prompts

Look someone in the eye who appears downcast and share your light.  Give them HOPE with your silent smile. Let those who feel invisible be seen and valued by you. Encouragement can be a quiet gift that changes the focus of a sad heart. “One of the risks of being quiet is that those watching can fill your silence with their own interpretation: You’re bored. You’re depressed. You’re shy. You’re stuck up. Or, her FAITH in Great Grace is awesome! People Don’t know who abides in us!  So, they write their own story—not always one we choose or that’s true to who we are. Romans 12:4 “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form ONE BODY, and each MEMBER belongs to all the others. We have different GIFTS, according to the GRACE GIVEN to each of us. Pray for greater grace.

Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico

IF it is serving, then SERVE; if it is teaching, then TEACH; if it is to ENCOURAGE, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then GIVE generously; if it is to LEAD, do it diligently; if it is to show MERCY, do it CHEERFULLY. LOVE must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be DEVOTED to one another in LOVE. HONOR one another ABOVE YOURSELVES. Be JOYFUL in HOPE, PATIENT in affliction, FAITHFUL in PRAYER. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” Welcome Holy Spirit.

To be obedient, our Father exhorts us to ASK. Listen to Holy Spirit.

Do I cower, or do I trust God can use me as I am?  There are people who are sleeping under bridges who will become preachers. Women turning tricks who will be leading worship. Greater Grace works through the faith we have in Holy Spirit to do His miraculous work. A Word from God– Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy  and to walk humbly with your God.” ❤️

“Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING by PRAYER and supplication with THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to GOD. And the PEACE of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

Acts 4:33 “great grace” is tucked in  God’s promises. God’s favor is the ability to believe in the astounding power of God as we yield to Holy Spirit to do His will through us.

Choose who you serve with your thoughts and actions. God’s kingdom of truth, and greater grace, or Satan’s kingdom of lies and deception.  Your free choice.

Remember Truth

3 thoughts on “Walk Humbly

  1. Listen to Dutch daily “Give Him 15” is a free app. Give God 15 minutes daily. Sample from March 15, 2024 ending prayer.

    Lord God, we pledge to You that we will not quit; we will not yield in our faith and perseverance. We have put our hand to the plow, and will not look back. Our love for You, and for the lost and hurting will keep us motivated. Your cause is our cause; Your mission is our mission. We will persevere until we hear “Well done.” We will run the race and finish our course, always pressing toward the end line You have given us.

    We decree that Christ will have His harvest; He will reap the reward of His suffering. Your promises to Him will not go unfulfilled. And we pledge to You that we will not be a generation You have to skip over in order to give this to Him. Like David, we will serve Your purpose in our generation. And we will never stop declaring, “Kingdom of Jesus Christ, come! Will of Jesus Christ, be done on the Earth!”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jeremy Burk wrote a few songs. The lyrics and rhythm moved the writer to shed a puddle of tears, singing the words “This is no ordinary love.” After worshipping for several hours, Jeremy had become overwhelmed with the Father’s love for us, and these words flowed up from his spirit. The song he wrote from that experience is entitled “Jealous Jealousy.” Here are a few of the words: “This is pure love ❤️

    This is holy fire 🔥

    This is the real thing; it’s righteous desire. This is no ordinary love.”

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  3. Pingback: Invade and Transform | Living Abroad

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