Flower Power

It grows from a seed.

It fills a heart’s need.

A bloom, none too soon.

It’s beauty beyond the moon.

What is it’s Source?

God of course.

Charles Dickens penned a poem. “Love is not a feeling to pass away, like the balmy breath of a summer day; It is not — it cannot be — laid aside; Love is not a thing to forget or hide. Love clings to the heart, ah, woe is me! As the ivy clings to the old oak tree. Love is not a passion of earthly mold, as a thirst for honor, fame, or gold: For when all these wishes have died away, the deep strong LOVE of a brighter day, though nourished in secret, consumes the more, as the slow rust eats to the iron’s core.”

“God is Love” penned our Creator, the One Almighty who has a plan for humanity. Soak up His love and bloom wherever He plants you.

Keep your fire burning for Jesus

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