
To lament, to repent, what does that mean? Webster defines it as a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. In other words wailing as tears flow uncontrollably for what has happened. Have you ever felt the need to lament and grieve for what what is happening to people, a nation, or what you said or did in haste? The Bible includes an entire book on a course of legitimate lamenting for our souls benefit. “Our heart breaks for what breaks His heart.”

Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet, he was a man of constant sorrow. He penned chapter 3 of Lamentations through the eyes of a foot soldier of God, a man who felt like God was against him. Chapter 3 totals 66 verses which takes us from Hope Removed, to Hope Remembered, to Hope Realized. At exactly half way though we are encouraged “For He does not enjoy bringing affliction or suffering on mankind.” Jeremiah 3:33. We read with eyes widened as we join Jeremiah in his depression whenever HOPE feels removed. Have you ever felt forced to walk in darkness as you witness the crumbling of our nation?

Have you ever been in a pit of despair where you could not remember a moment of happiness? “He ground my teeth on gravel, my soul was deprived of peace.” When we realize that our own sin was great, and yet we were forgiven 700 × 70 by God, we are humbled by His mercy. His love and faithfulness is astonishing! Be encouraged.

Have you spent a time when all strength and hope seemed to have vanished? When God intervened — we recalled to mind the Lord’s faithfulness, when His enduring love kept us from perishing. God disciplines those He loves and Jeremiah agrees that it was good for him to bear a yoke of hardship in his youth. When God called Jeremiah to be His prophet, Jeremiah lamented “I am too young.”

The book of Lamentations is all about repentance. “Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven: “Oh Lord, what are You showing me? How do You expect me to live without Your grace and ongoing forgiveness? Have I sinned or rebelled?” Let us offer our cheek to the ONE who could strike us down. Let us turn back to God and treasure His sacrifice with respect. The Lord is our portion, and He is good, He is our only hope. Why ever complain? His way is always just and — for our eternal good. Punishment of sin by our holy God is a constant must. We are His witness to thousands of mercies extended from generation to generation. His compassion never ceases, and our admitted pride and rebellion is forgiven. He subdues His anger to constantly pursue ungrateful souls. Jeremiah’s grief and our grief is relieved because of the HOPE our Father extends to all who call out to Jesus. Life is hard, and we all experience times of panic, anguish and hardship. Tears flow out of desperation. “The Lord will not reject forever, He shows compassion as He restores and disciplines. “I called on Your name, ‘Yahweh, from the depths of the pit.” Jeremiah 3:55 and my God hears me, He sees me, and He brings me such peace.

Hope removed – Jer 3:1-18

Hope restored – Jer 3:19-38

Hope Restored – Her 3:22
“Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding.” Yes, we will come to You, for You are the Lord our God.”

The book of Lamentations does not identify its writer, but the common view is that God chose Jeremiah to write the justified lament of His people. The Jewish people read Lamentations on their annual fast to remember Jerusalem’s destruction.

“To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood…to Him be glory and power for ever and ever!” Revelation 1:5

The book of Lamentations was written while the children of God suffered for seventy years in Babylon. As the gates and walls of the Holy City were set on fire, they also watched the horror of cannibalism, the murder of Priests, the slaying of innocent children and the sacrilege of the Temple of God being destroyed. The body and spirit of God’s people suffered the greatest of agony. Lamentations gives dignity to suffering. The Word of God hides nothing from us.

ONE LESSON within Lamentations: The excitement and pleasure briefly enjoyed while we sin is not worth the length of sorrow endured. The content recorded is a beautiful poem that captures the highs and lows of life in and outside of God’s law. Jeremiah worked out his own grief as he penned what the Spirit of God was saying.

End Times talk

Pray to make a difference in this world of many laments.  Blessed Heavenly Father, All Your promises are trustworthy. All life’s questions are answered in You. I worship You, the One who supplies strength to the weary, increases power to the faint, and offers escape to the tempted. I worship You, the One who sympathizes with the hurting, shields the defenseless, enriches the poor, sustains the helpless, and shelters the homeless. You give purpose to the aimless, comfort to the lonely, fruit to the barren, beauty to the meek, a future to the hopeless, and life to the lifeless! Lord, I confess that I too often overlook the people who need Your love and healing. Consumed with myself and my schedule, I don’t make time to listen for Your leading and to watch for opportunities to offer Jesus to those around me.

Forgive me, Father. In a world of lonely, frightened people, give me a heart that is broken for the things that break Yours. Give me compassion for a lost and dying world, for people You love. Give me an unquenchable love for Your gospel, for Your Son, for Your Word, for You. Use me to make an eternal difference in the lives of people all around me. I humbly, boldly ask that You give me the attention of my friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, even my enemies, so that they see my example and . . …. want to know You because they know me…. place their faith in You because I am trustworthy…. believe You because of what I say and the way I say it…. know that You love them, because I love them…. have hope because I am so genuinely confident…. have peace because I am not afraid…. look to You as the solution for what’s wrong, because I am looking to You. Now I ask You to grow me into someone who reflects You in all I say and do. For the glory of Your name—Jesus, Amen.” Anne Graham Lotz

Amazing Grace. “Let us love and sing and wonder, let us praise the Savior’s name! He that hushed the law’s loud thunder, He washed us with His blood, He presents our souls to God. Let us sing through fierce temptation, it threatens hard to bear us down.” Indeed, through our lamenting, let us marvel at His grace and justice, let us draw near to His mercy seat.” The great value of Lamentations is that it demonstrates God’s justified punishment towards sin and His salvation plan. This book reminds me to count my blessings one by one. John Newton was an English evangelical Anglican cleric and slavery abolitionist. He had previously been a captain of slave ships and an investor in the slave trade. He served as a sailor in the Royal Navy and was himself enslaved for a time in West Africa. In 1748, during his return voyage to England aboard the ship Greyhound, Newton had a spiritual conversion. He awoke to find the ship caught in a severe storm off the coast of Ireland and about to sink. In response, Newton began praying for God’s mercy, after which the storm began to die down. After 4 weeks at sea, the ship made it to port. This experience marked the beginning of his conversion to Christianity. He began to read the Bible and other Christian literature. By the time he reached Britain, he had accepted the doctrines of faith in God. It was on March 10, 1748.  Newton was changed for eternity.

One thought on “Lamentations

  1. Jeremiah 52:28-33. King Nebuchadnezzar carried into exile 4,600 people in all. In the 37th year of the exile under king Jehoiachin of Judah, Awel-Marduk became king of Babylon, and he freed king Jehoiachin of Judah. Awel-Marduk spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon. So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king’s table.” REDEMPTION follows repentance.

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