Gifting Eternity

Who is the Giver of all life? Who takes away the sting of death? Who provides for your every need? Who sees everything and knows each motive? Who watches your every step, and listens to your every word? Who loves  you beyond all human capacity? Who forgives you? Jesus said: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God ; believe also in Me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will COME BACK and TAKE YOU to be with ME that you also may be where I am. You KNOW the WAY to the place where I am going.” John 14

“When life on earth is over, and I’m asked what I did with the treasure God had given me; I will say I forgave all, I issued mercy, I loved Jesus because He loved me first. Astoundingly, as God’s beloved, adopted child,  He sealed me with the Holy Spirit! Because I am His and He is mine, life eternal is His lasting gift to me.  I shall forever thank God for the generosity of His love.” (Barbara Alley Hoyle)

God is love, and His written Word alone defines who I am.  Any love I offer comes from His lavish overflow.  One gift of the Holy Spirit allows a believer to extend kindness. Therefore, any level of compassion I offer is a direct result of His daily mercies.  He compels me to show grace. The warmth of His wisdom allows me to smile whenever I am hated-

unwelcome, begrudged,or misunderstood. Wisely  hang on tightly to the only truth Teller.  Decree in faith that you are His gifted vessel of light.  Therefore, it is up to you to choose to shine bright.  Our Father changes our vocabulary into a heavenly language in order that we can pray most effectively.  He chose us so that we can be a living stone in the kingdom He is building.  How fantastic it is to lean on the Holy Spirit to give us words that will encourage all who are stuck without hope. A life well-spent, is a humble life of being a servant of our Creator, the best gift Giver, our Saviour Jesus, the Christ. Amen and Hallelujah

What gives you hope? Renew your mind and observe all the existing beauty. Do not submit to evil by loading your soul with all that is wrong in this world.  Time thus spent only leads to insecurity, negativity, and multiple fears and doubts. Determine to shut off the streaming evil and choose to recharge with God’s Word. Our identity and our destiny have zero in common with the doomsayers that are broadcasting daily. Holy Spirit has already empowered us with all AUTHORITY to destroy the enemy. Find freedom in the garden of your mind. ❤️ Isaiah 58:11 “The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.” Gratitude

To fear the Lord is to honor God for Who He is and His plan of salvation for all mankind. His will and His Master plan is that not one soul will perish. Just compare 24 hours of one miserably hot day to an eternity in the flames. 🔥 Imagine smelling flesh burning while gasping for air in hell. God is the breath of life, and so there zero air in hell.  The terror of hell is without end. There is zero peace because Jesus is the Prince of peace.

The shrill screams of agony last forever.  There is zero comfort because the Holy Spirit is the Comforter. People in hell will not be partying with their friends. Hell is absolute darkness without companionship. Isolated firever, there is zero love, because God is love and Jesus is the Light of the world. Wisdom is to choose Jesus as your Savior now. There is no other way to escape hell but through God’s merciful plan of salvation.  The testimony of His love for all mankind. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Ask and Receive.

5 thoughts on “Gifting Eternity

  1. ‭Heavenly Father, in Jesus holy name, I ask Holy Spirit to bless every reader with a deep, restful sleep. Restore all who recite this prayer COMPLETELY — as they BE STILL — and REST confidently — dreaming sweetly of GOOD things to come.

    As we closes our eyes tonight, we breathe in YAH WEH and exhale YAH WEH. Holy Spirit awaken us with gratitude for the day that has passed and anticipation for the months ahead. I pray for Your divine protection throughout each night.

    Lord, we trust in the precious blood of Jesus and that “it is finished “. Thy mighty angels encircle us, guarding our rest and keeping us safe as they secure our surroundings from any harm or evil influences. We also ask for Your protection in our dreams. Grant us with a peaceful and restorative rest. Shield our minds from any troubling thoughts or nightmares, and replace them with Your peace and assurance. Place a powerful shield around our homes, an impenetrable barrier against all evil. Let your light dispell all darkness, fear, or anxiety. AMEN

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  2. The next time you pray repeating your personal list of needs, remember the words of this Hebrew Rabbi. “The purpose of prayer is not the same as the purpose of speech. The purpose of speech is to inform; the purpose of prayer is to partake.”

    Our Father invites us to come and be a participant with Him, to partake of His wisdom, peace, joy. Our invitation is not to come and give Him a list of what’s wrong — then abandon our personal audience with the King — to check our email and rush to the next thing. It is an invitation to come and participate in the highest privilege of man, to have a mutual audience of One.

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