Nostalgia Shared

Visiting folks without family in nursing homes or in any local hospital is something retired folks were designed by God to do. With a gentle touch, eye contact, and a willing ear to listen, just pray God gives us a pause and confidence to share a word.

Inquire about their past. Show interest. Where were you born, how many siblings or children do you have? Where have you traveled, and when was the last time you danced?  Hope to spark an interest in their thoughts about what they expect eternity to be like? Fishing deep in a soul, expect all sorts of answers.

Without their favorite easy chair, gardening tools, or old hobbies handy, build a desire to learn what they feel their impact has been.  What remains the very most important?  The sad thing is to think of anyone just existing without hope. A bit of nostalgia shared is a way to perk up any soul. A time to air out memories of days gone by.  With Bible ready, perhaps a particular Psalm would ignite or renew hope in God’s magnificent and eternal plan for them. 

Compassion is extended by simply engaging a vintage joy.  A gentle and kind way to soften their day.  Truly, as we age, we all have so much wisdom to pass on.  Their stories will be a delight. Hearing their heroic tales of having given life their best. Tis ever agreed that it takes a great amount of courage to sweetly grow old.

Were they a pilot, a teacher, a nurse, chef, or a soldier? What was their most precious takeaway from their careers? Did they enjoy sports, music, sewing, or time with their fingers in the dirt? Where were they married? How did they meet their true love? Any furry pets? What was their name?

Having had the pleasure of reading many novels, the opportunity is to hear real stories and in our listening find an opening to share a Bible story of hope. Your light sifts through moments they treasure. Sad or wonderful, listen with ears to hear what the Spirit is saying and take notes. Help them remember with much thanksgiving for how God remains faithful.

Like a tapestry sewn by our Creators hand, each life is like a thread that weaves into ours. Every color, each strand, a unique brand by God Himself. It’s a pleasure to offer whatever we can.

Aged folks with interesting lives surely will inspire us to offer compassion and a large scoop of patience. What is their favorite food, best poem they have ever enjoyed? Lord willing, we will meet a few more new friends to encourage in a closer walk with God.

We all have laundry that God offers to instantly bleach clean.  He has made us ready to pray with anyone willing. This post is a vision board, a future for us to serve the widows, the orphans and those without hope. Enter with rejoicing — for all of what the Lord will do through His servants.

Thanks to CS LEWIS for the fabulous topic ideas. While in Mexico, at age 73, God has called me to a new exciting ministry. God is our equal opportunity Employer.  He equips us and sends us out  to use our gift of faith and encouragement. Our Lord went before us to open doors of a few local nursing homes. Leaning on love as the universal language, all volunteers are certain that we will also greet a few English speaking residents.

We pray for hungry hearts that will welcome a taste of the revitalizing truth. All the seeds of faith have already been planted.  Our job is to simply water and help weed. All glory to God for all the rich words He recorded for us to offer. We trust that the Holy Spirit will teach us as we gladly follow His lead. AMEN ❤️ Retired no more!

Wrestling for a Blessing

Gen 32 “The Man said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob replied, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” Jacob said, “Please tell me Your name.” But He replied, “Why do you ask My name?” Then He blessed him there. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.” A Well of Oath

Peniel is a place of meeting with God. Jacob’s encounter with God at Peniel is very significant because it brought about a divine shift in his life, thus, Peniel is a place of divine shift. AMEN

In the name of Jesus and with Holy Spirit authority, we agree with God’s plan and declare that every  demon; any spirit of infirmity, doubt, unbelief, bitterness, or generational curse, that has tried to destroy, slow down, or interrupt the destiny of VICTORY in the life of _We trust God at His Word, and today all schemes of the devil are cast out, totally arrested, bound and evicted NOW — by the blood of Jesus, and in the name of Jesus, we EXPECT and BELIEVE in the PROGRESSIVE and AGGRESSIVE move of the Holy Spirit in __. AMEN

AFFIRM and DECREE: I asked to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with fire, and my God is faithful. He reigns on earth through me. I am filled, washed by His blood, cleansed of all sin, my body is fully restored, without disease or sickness, and my mind is regenerated by the mind of Christ. I accept the truth that I am sinless, that I am made a whole NEW CREATURE in Christ Jesus, for His glory and purpose on earth as He is in me to speak words of life, to set the captives free, to heal the sick, to cast out the spirit of infirmity, doubt and unbelief. It is done, it is finished. I destroy demons and stomp on scorpions. Death has lost its sting, as I am fearless and a mighty container of the Spirit of God. I stand fortified and strengthened by the power and will of God to do His will as I walk in the Spirit, speak in the Spirit, and am fully healed by the Spirit.

Father, we pray for those who have experienced hard landings. For those who are struggling. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and give us words to help them. To motivate, encourage and cause them to know God hears their cries and He responds. We pray for those who may be wavering in their faith. Holy Spirit resurrect hope, and restore faith, and reawaken a dreaming heart.  As the world moans in darkness, Lord we thank You for equipping us to pierce all dark with LIGHT.  You defeated evil and we remind others of Your power and faithfulness. We declare today that we ARE overcomers. We ARE more than conquerors through our Savior who loves us. The Greater One lives within us. Therefore, stand in Christ’s victory, and remind folks of the willingness of our Father to forgive, save and heal. Past revivals and movements of the Holy Spirit keep us believing for miracles today. AMEN

One thought on “Nostalgia Shared

  1. Monday June 17, 2024 Linda and Barbara prayed confidently over open hearts. Karen of Treasure House hopes to bring a child gifted by God with mercy to visit next week. Jeanette offered to paint butterflies on patients with the tale of transformation translated into Spanish. Lori also felt that learning of this effort was a confirmation in her spirit as her parents visited the elderly in Canada.

    Praise God for His Way of setting our hearts on fire for His kingdom to spread.

    [6/10, 11:04 AM] Claudia: I’m so excited! You’re an answer to my prayers. Thanks for being obedient ! Cancún# 1 Chulavista Norte

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