John G Lake

The legacy of an ordinary man was supernaturally catapulted by his belief in Scriptures. John was born into a family of 16 children. He was born by healthy parents, but the spirit of death and infirmity gripped 8 of his siblings, and they died of illness. John G Lake’s excitement about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and his enthusiasm and passion for a life in Christ, vibrates through every word that he preached. Hardship and suffering did not extinguish his trust in God’s Word. He embodied this Word of God. 1Peter 1:8 “though now you do not see HIM, yet still believing, you REJOICE with JOY inexpressible and full of glory.” All of his sermons are full of hope. Read any  and be swept up in the Spirit of God. If you are seeking a new level of faith in your Christian life, rely on the simplicity and purity of God at His Word. “God’s first purpose is to make man good by removing the consciousness of sin from his soul.” John G. Lake

Slowly chew on the content with the Bible nearby to check his faith statements.  It was NOT John’s radiant enthusiasm, but it was the Spirit of God pouring through His fully submitted mind, body and soul —- which resulted in many powerful works of faith and healing. John loved to testify of the demonstrations of the power of the gospel in his own life and of his friends and colleagues. Download a Kindle Book today and detect his source for the joy, enthusiasm, and optimism.

The Holy Spirit healed so many people in South Africa that the revival spread to touch and estimated 1.2 million people. Then, the Spirit called him to move to Spokane, Washington.

Lake got married to Jennie Stevens on February 5, 1893. Jennie was a perfect match for him. She had a sense of humor, keen judgment, a strong faith in God and a deep spiritual sensitivity. They were blessed with 7 children. John got into the healing ministry on the day when God used him to perform the healing of his wife, who was dying of tuberculosis. John and Jennie worked as a team. John would pray, and some would get healed. Then Jennie would discern the cause why some were not healed; and Lake would pray again for their healing. When they came to the USA, the ministry produced 1250 preachers, 625 churches, and 100,000 converts with miracles too great to number. Signs and wonders followed those who the Holy Spirit inbued from on High.

John Graham Lake was born in Canada on March 18, 1870 and he died at age 65 on September 16, 1935 in the USA of a stroke. John was  known as a faith healer, a missionary, and co-founder of the Apostolic Faith Mission.  John and his wife were missionaries between 1908–1919 in South Africa. After completing his work in Africa, John and Jennie Lake opened healing rooms along the west coast of the USA. DOMINION: There is a conscious dominion Jesus Christ gives to the Christian soul. It was that conscious dominion in the soul of Peter that was expressed at the Beautiful Gate. Instead of praying for the lame man’s healing, Peter said, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk (Acts 3:6). No prayer about it; no intercession. Peter exercised the dominion that was in his soul. The divine flash of God’s power went forth from his soul, and the man instantly arose and went with them into the Temple walking and leaping, and praising God. Not all get healed instantly.  When we pray, we impart what the Holy Spirit has for that person, at that time. More prayer may be required, but we did our part.

Many sermons and radio broadcasts are available. This sermon includes John G. Lake’s personal scientific experiment on how the brain reacts to reading scripture. Dare your beliefs to be absolutely changed!

Who are the Influencers of your life? Is it God or man?

Pray for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. If you believe in your heart, ask God for a fresh anointing, a new flash of lightning from Jesus — to flood your life, and give you a walking testimony of faith. Hungry hearts pray for a 2nd and 3rd Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is MORE!

‭1 Corinthians 12 NLT‬ About the special abilities the Spirit gives us. Nobody SPEAKING by the SPIRIT of GOD will curse Jesus, and nobody can say JESUS is LORD, except by the HOLY SPIRIT. Understand this.

JGL prayed for 3 anointings

There are different kinds of SPIRITUAL GIFTS, but the SAME SPIRIT is the SOURCE of them ALL. There are different kinds of service, but we SERVE the same LORD. GOD WORKS in DIFFERENT WAYS, but it is the SAME GOD who DOES the WORK in ALL of us. AMEN

A SPIRITUAL GIFT is given to each of us SO WE CAN HELP each other. To one person the Spirit gives:



3) GREAT FAITH  4) GIFT of HEALING. 5) POWER to PERFORM miracles 6)ABILITY to prophesy.  7)ABILITY to DISCERN whether a message is from the SPIRIT of GOD or from another spirit.    

8) ABILITY to SPEAK in UNKNOWN LANGUAGES, while another is given the    9) INTERPRET what is said.

It is the ONE and only SPIRIT of GOD who DISTRIBUTES all these GIFTS. HE alone DECIDES which GIFT each person should have. 

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up ONE WHOLE BODY. So it is with the BODY of CHRIST.  WE have all been baptized into ONE BODY by ONE SPIRIT, and we all share the SAME SPIRIT.   IF the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body?  Our bodies have many parts, and GOD has put each part just where HE wants it. There are many parts, but only ONE BODY.  The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”  In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. The parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care.”

“So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. This makes for HARMONY among the MEMBERS, so that all the members CARE for each other.  If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is HONORED, all the parts are GLAD.  All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.” GLORY TO GOD!

POSITIVE GOSPEL by John G Lake. The low state of Christian faith is because believers have failed to grasp the exalted place into which Jesus Christ puts us when we have been made sons and daughters of God. Dead to sin, alive in Christ, we live a NEW supernatural LIFE, not a religion. It is a union of God and man – by our individual surrender, we were buried and we are resurrected in Him, by the same power that Jesus walked out of the tomb victorious. The Holy Spirit imparts to us the very NATURE of Jesus, His very LIFE through His BLOOD and RISEN AUTHORITY as KING.

Salvation encompasses all that God does for the soul. It means more than being saved from sin. Salvation IS all-inclusive. It  includes all that God does for our spirit, soul, and body.  The Spirit of God applies it to each department of our living-in- Christ nature. It destroys the consciousness of sin.  His Spirit creates an acceptance in our spirit, mind and body of His righteousness and purity.  We accept our sinlessness new nature. 

We are completed by the Spirit of God.  That is the Christian LIFE. Complete means finished, having all the necessary parts. Col 2:10 “And you are complete in Him, (Jesus) who is the head of all principality and power.”  John 4:17 “because as He (God) is, so are we in this world.” John 19:30 “He said, ‘it is finished’. And bowing His head He gave up His spirit” Romans 8:23. Adam was the created son of God. He was just like God. He was just as pure as God was pure. There was great fellowship between God and Adam. In the beginning, Adam was sinless, he looked right into the face of God, and his spirit did not draw back in shame. Only through Adam’s disobedience, did he not honor his Father.

The purity of God rested in Adam, as he was just as pure as God. Adam was the  original man.  “We are sons and daughters of God, bought back into the family by the atonement of Jesus.” Rom 8:15. “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out ‘Abba Father.’ The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” Our natural mind tends to pull us away from knowing God in TRUTH.   “Set your MINDS on things above, not on things of the earth.” (Col 3:2) The Spirit ofGod warns (Heb 3:12) Beware brethren, lest there be in any of you an EVIL heart of UNBELIEF in departing from the living God.” So, we see that they could not enter in because of UNBELIEF.” (Heb 3:19)

Jesus purposed to make your heart and mine just as sweet and lovely and pure and holy as His own. That is the reason He can accept the Christian as His bride. Christ accepts Christians as His spotless, sinless, holy bride, because it is written. ‘You be holy for I am holy.” (1Peter 1:16) TRUTH IS Titus 1:15 “To the pure in heart all things are pure.” BELIEVE GOD AT HIS WORD. “For God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins. Then, in exchange, He poured God’s goodness into us.” 2 Cor 5:21

A  Christian is unique. He stands alone. He supersedes all who have gone before. He will not have a successor. He is man at his best and God’s best effort for mankind. The surrendered Christian does understand how people abandoned ALL ELSE in the world in order to ATTAIN CHRIST.  We are imbued by power from on high. Joy, triumph, dominion, enthusiasm, optimism, attainment and completion, reverberate through the living Word of God.

Jesus is the anchor of our HOPE.  HE who is WITHIN us is GREATER than he who is in the world.  We accomplish great things for His glory. God has presented us with a gospel, the Good news in Christ. It is His gospel. It is a supernatural gospel and zero  needs to he added.  Submit to God at His Word. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but MIGHTY IN GOD for pulling down STRONGHOLDS, casting down ARGUMENTS and every high thing that exalts itself against the TRUE KNOWLEDGE of GOD, bringing every THOUGHT into CAPTIVITY to the OBEDIENCE of CHRIST.” 2 Cor 10:4 ❤️ We owe it to the Lord Jesus because of what it cost Him to give us the gospel, to enter fully into what He has made available. It is OK to disagree with  denominational doctrine to accept God’s Word as it is.   We choose to simply operate in the fullness of Holy Spirit in us. Pray for hunger and be fed by God

The entire audiobook by JGL

7 thoughts on “John G Lake

  1. O God, our Father, let our lives be once and forever be settled on the eternal Rock, Christ Jesus, Lord God. Our lives are purified as Jesus is alive in us and working through us. Lord, we fully yield our character. We choose to be open wide, opened to the living God, and open hearted to one another. O God, shine Thy glory through all who cry out for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We desire to reflect and show forth, the glorious life of Jesus Christ. O God, we bless Thee this day. Lord God, hear the genuine joy and gladness in our soul. There is a shout of praise in our hearts. Lord God, the day has come to call together into one sanctified body the united members of Jesus Christ whose names are written in heaven. Lord God, we worship at Thy feet, and Lord, we declare our faith in Jesus, the Son of God, this very day. Thou art welcomed to bring forth Thy people, the church of Jesus Christ! Imbued with power on high we cast out the spirit of infirmity by the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God. We give You all honor and glory for every testimony. Bless God! Raise up a banner of truth and demonstrate Thy indwelt holy righteousness. O God, we pray that the great virtue of Jesus Christ shall be fully manifest in us. LIKE JESUS, we look with LOVE into the face of every other man. Thank You Father, for giving us the eyes of Jesus and the the Spirit of God that enables us to perform miracles in His name. Our hearts beat in step with the Spirit and we do not see people as evil, but that, we see the good in all. We see the purity, and the full potential through their profession of faith in Jesus, the Christ. Satan is evil, and we hate what God hates. We choose to think of the things that are lovely and true. We are purified by the blood of Christ. As we remain clean before God the light of God and the life of Jesus shines and flows through us so that mankind will be blessed. O God, our Father, we rejoice in this day and hour. Thou art the Son of God, Lord Jesus. We are glad You set us apart to partake in the divine and live at this time of life. My God, we rejoice in the expectation of Thy soon coming. O Jesus, blessed Jesus, keep us ready, keep us humble. Lord God, we are ready to give the message that stirs hearts and rocks the world. Lord, we cry out in hunger to receive the power of God that is going to demonstrate Christ to mankind, for Jesus’s sake. O God, we pray that the Spirit of God moves worldwide and upon the church of Christ at large, by whatever name it is known, and upon the hidden ones who are known by no name, the power of God shall come. Lord God, once again we trust that every Word of God is true and that we lack nothing. Send the pulsating move of the Holy Ghost to be felt throughout the body of Christ. Lord Jesus, unify Thy children together. Lord Jesus, establish them on the Rock. Lord God, build up the body. We pray to bless God, we pray that upon our own souls in these days there shall be such a passion of the Christ-filled-heart that we excitedly seek the lost, and the sick to bring total healing. Oh God, we BELIEVE in the power of Thy resurrection in us. We rejoice in You Lord as we witness all religious services to forever cease as mere, empty entertainment. We reverence You O God, make Your church a body of such GREAT FAITH that it desires what Your heart desires. O God, we shed Your tears over and with the afflicted. We place Thy anointed hands on the sick and declare healing in Jesus name. O Christ, let the pure heart and Spirit of Christ throb in every breast of every professed believer in the finished work of the cross. For Jesus’s sake, that the will of God may come, that the prayer of Jesus Christ may be answered, that we may all be one. Blessed be Thy name Jesus! The church of Jesus Christ stands on the living word of God and we believe that the gates of hell shall not prevail against her. O God, let truth vibrate in us, keeping us Your humble and holy servants. Lord God, that Thy kingdom may come and Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven, Lord, for Jesus’s sake. Amen. ( FREE BOOK ON KINDLE that lifted both Michael Hoyle and Barbs spirit.)


  2. MY FAVORITE BOOK BY LAKE “Positive Gospel”

    Religion makes the mistake of persisting in keeping the human self alive. Death with Christ must come BEFORE resurrected LIFE. It is the NEW resurrected SERVANT INSIDE WHICH HOLINESS IEXISTS. We are risen with Christ. (Col 3:1) One with Him in the Father (John 14:20). If you are trying to live the Christian life with the mind of the flesh you will make no progress. It does not accept the things of God. SURRENDER to the REVEALED WORD of GOD is the ONLY WAY OF GOD. Keeping the old nature alive means UNBELIEF and LACK of the TRUE KNOWLEDGE of GOD. It is not difficult. It is just a matter of READING the GOSPEL as GOD has GIVEN it to us and APPROPRIATING TRUTH in FAITH. RECEIVE what God has said as the TRUTH, THE WSY AND THE LIFE IN HIM


  3. Father God we believe that all power belongs to God. Ps 62:11. We trust that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Heb 13:8. For Thy Word says “I am the Lord, I change not.” Mat 3:6 We know our God is mighty to save and His Spirit delivers us from all evil. “These SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW them that BELIEVE; in My name they shall CAST OUT DEVILS; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall LAY HANDS on the sick, and they shall RECOVER.” Mark 16:15-18 In Jesus name, obediently we lay hands on Priscilla. Oh God, kill the devilish disease by Your awesome power. Let the Spirit move in Priscilla; let it thrive and burn within her. Abba Father, in the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, I ask for the lightnings of heaven to blast the spirit of infirmity and deliver her completely! AMEN ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. In spite of all the attention Oral Roberts was suddenly receiving, he was adamant about keeping his focus on God. More than anything else, he wanted to know that the presence and power of God were with him when he ministered to people. He continued to pray, longing to feel God’s presence with him in a stronger way. A 2nd Baptism was given in 1948.
    Oral went to conduct a one-night crusade in an Assemblies of God church in the small town of Nowata, Oklahoma. During the healing time, Oral was praying for a young deaf boy when the Lord spoke to him again, saying, “Son, you have been faithful up to this hour, and now you will feel My presence in your right hand. Through My presence, you will be able to detect demons, and through My power they will be cast out.”
    At that moment, Oral felt a burning sensation traveling down his right arm to his right hand. His hand was throbbing as though there was an electric current flowing through it. Was this really God, or was it his imagination? Oral knew that if it was God moving through his hand, the deaf boy standing before him would be healed. When Oral placed his hands on the boy’s ear, he felt the Lord’s power surge through his right hand, but he felt nothing at all in his left hand. Turning the boy away from his mother so that he could not see her mouth, Oral asked her to speak to her son. The young boy could hear every word his mother uttered! The people shouted praises to God for His miracle-working power!

    A few days later, Oral was invited to speak at a church in Tulsa. At the end of the service, a friend of the Robertses named Irma Morris came forward in the healing time. She had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease Oral knew personally and despised. Oral could feel the fever on Irma’s brow and smell the TB in her body, an odor he had known during his own sickness. Up to that moment, Oral had not told a soul about the power he felt in his right hand while praying for the sick, not even Evelyn. Oral reached out to touch Irma’s fevered forehead, feeling the power of God surge in his right hand. He commanded the TB to loose her body and set her free in the name of Jesus. “Oh, Oral, what did you do to me?” she cried. “Your right hand. It felt on fire when you touched me….Something in your right hand is causing a warmth to go through my lungs. My lungs are opening up. I believe I am being healed!” God’s presence charging through Oral’s hand did not leave him at all as he moved along the entire healing line, laying his hand on each person standing there for prayer. Late that night, Oral told Evelyn about the revelation from the Lord and the amazing thing that was happening with his right hand. He placed his right hand on her head as an experiment, but neither of them sensed anything different. However, a few minutes later, when Evelyn told Oral that she had been experiencing pain for a number of days, he laid his hands on her to pray. Immediately, they both were touched by the power of God surging through his right hand. That night, they held each other and cried as they realized the special gift God had entrusted to Oral. Evelyn prayed that they would always recognize it as a gift from God alone. PRAY FOR A 2ND BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT


  5. Pingback: Courts of Heaven | Living Abroad

  6. ‭The believers road is difficult because we are not in control. We enter the narrow gateway with great faith in the One who guides us. We trust the voice that calls us by name. We believe God is faithful. We easily pray without ceasing as we are in a streaming conversation with our Counselor, our trusted Teacher. Matthew 7:13-14 NLT‬ “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.”


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