Crew in Christ

To crew in Christ, is to grow in Christ. Think about the first crew Jesus chose. Each were unique, and each member had strengths and at least one weakness. Why did our Father specify the 9 gifts of His Spirit?  Why One body with many members? Why did God create us so unique and different?

Our Father’s mercies are evident as He shows up strong through our daily weakness. Clearly stated in His Word. Romans 8:26 “In the same way, the SPIRIT helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the SPIRIT HIMSELF intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And HE who searches our hearts knows the MIND of the SPIRIT, because the SPIRIT intercedes for GOD’S

people in accordance with the WILL of GOD. And we know that in all things GOD WORKS for the good of those who LOVE HIM, who have been CALLED according to HIS PURPOSE. What shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us ALL —how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us ALL things?” We get ALL things through the body of Christ.

God chose the above crew for a time, then He shifted 8 in their position. John said, “I baptize you with water, but HE will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” God sent John to prepare the Way for Jesus. It was a dark and danger filled world when Jesus began His ministry. Needing each other remains God’s perfect will and His unchanging Way.

Hebrews 10:23-25 “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the MORE as you SEE the Day of the Lord approaching.” We see the signs, we heard His voice, and we obey.

We juggle our best gifts with one another. Additionally, we can encourage each other best — only when we are aware of each others needs. God brings various people into our lives for a  season. So, a changing crew of believers is needed in a body that constantly moves. Jesus chose 12, and for a  season of 3 years, He spoke into them all and one left. When one suffered, they all suffered.  They wisely chose to remain in contact and pray for one another. To think that each day of our lives was recorded, God knew who we would need.

God created us as eternal beings; and with a NEED for close relationships. “Man was not meant to live alone.” Not just as man and wife, but in fellowship within a chosen community. There are no accidents, just divine connections at appointed times. God desires that we love and CARE for each other. It is His command and our glad responsibility to pray for our family, friends, and enemies. AMEN

Tossed out in deep waters, we need a crew now more than ever before. Our Papa did not intend for us to tug along by ourselves. He gave us HIS STRENGTH in numbers. We would wear out any one crew member if they had to run the ship of our life alone without help. Ruth 1:16 “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” You can count on me.

Friends through it all

We NEED life long members to crew with us. Through thick and thin, sickness and health, all the highs and lows.  The show “Friends” was very popular.  The world watched them stick together through odd and risky storms. Friends do not need an appointment, they are welcome to call 24/7. We all have different friends for different needs.  1) The FUN friend who makes us smile as they plan things. 2) The WISE friend who gives us biblical advice. The one who is salt and light. 3) The ENCOURAGER who is there to lift our spirit and cheer us when we are down. 4) The CHALLENGER friend who disrupts our stale, dry thinking. The one that causes us to take a risk and grow beyond where we rest.

We all have casual friends, but what we all need is a few that we can count on. Too busy to read a book? Then just listen to Jennie while you take a walk on the BRIGHTER SIDE. God walked among us, and Jesus had only 12 close friends, and one defected. Families have split over a mask, a vaccine, politics, and faith or freedom. The deterioration of community within our shrinking circles has eroded relationships. God created us for relationship with Him

and in our communities. This author stays true to the Word of God; as she puts our observations and worries, into words. God bless 🙌 all who are in the tribe God gifted me. This audiobook was given over 1,000 top ratings because it confirms a human need for all humanity to engage deeply within a small tribe of like minded people.

So I praise God for the people He sent to speak into my life. GOD does His best work in those who unite for His purpose and glory. HALLELUJAH and AMEN.

Keep “Friends” that won’t leave you alone. Cherish the friendships that make you feel that your participation makes the journey fun. Praise God for He sent folks to rescue us from isolation, and our stubbornness to remain as we always have been. Those peeps that are salt and light give us flavor and purpose. May we stay within a crew that challenges us to grow and become all that we were meant to be. Thank God for the personalities He chose to enter our circle and cheer us to use our talents as God purposed for His kingdom. His best is beyond our comfort zone. His will does require His-ever-present, and everything-is-possible abiding Spirit to lead us.

Crew in Christ confidence

6 thoughts on “Crew in Christ

  1. 2024 Current Crew:

    1) The FUN friend who makes us smile as they plan things. Susanne and Ken.

    2) The WISE friend who gives us biblical advice. The one who is salt and light. Priscilla and Michael.

    3) The ENCOURAGER who is there to lift our spirit and cheer us when we are down. Mike, Sara and Lori.

    4) The CHALLENGER friend who disrupts our stale, dry thinking. The one that causes us to take a risk and grow beyond where we rest. Gary, Judy, John.

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    • Thanks! My core crew mate is Lori, we bond as pastor’s wives. Friends through thick and thin, tears and laughter, joy and pain. Friends are gifts from God and Lori walked into my tiny casa in Chapala in 2014. God knew what we both needed back then. No appointments necessary, we call and pray for each other at anytime of day or night. Emergency rooms, hospital stays, and beach days, we both thank God for His hand in our relationship. AMEN

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