
Bedazzled and stilled, standing in the glory of God, remembering how the Lord my God led me through the wilderness. It was all for my good and His glory. He humbled and tested me in order to know what was in my heart, whether or not I would keep His commands. My Father humbled me,…

Phyllis Wheatley

Phyllis believed in the God of the Bible, a remarkable overcomer. Unusually bright, the Wheatley household recognized her potential and she was encouraged to read and write. In 2 years, Phyllis mastered English and amazed everyone as she learned Greek and Latin. This angered Boston scholars. She never earned a dime for her poetry and…

Recount Blessings

🎶 “Count your blessings, one by one, rejoice in all that our Lord has done”🎵 Just a few recorded before 2019 ends: Chilled fresh air to breathe, eyes to see, ears to hear, tastebuds, goose bumps, a nose to smell whats cookin or bloomin, fingers to pinch with, lips to render a holy kiss, laughter, belonging…


The young prophet Zechariah offered words to encourage the children of Israel as they labored to rebuild the Temple.  His words painted a bright picture of the perpetual blessing that was coming to Israel. As Haggai was aging, God sent Zechariah to reinforce His remnant that returned to Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity in…