2023 Final Words

Total thanksgiving. For the stars, the sky, and oxygen. For books, eyes to read, a mind free to choose thoughts, imagination. Thanks for lush green gardens and the rains that nourish us all. For True Love ❤️ and Hope eternal. For continuous learning, new paths, new places, new discovery. Thanks for all beauty, for the…

Recount Blessings

🎶 “Count your blessings, one by one, rejoice in all that our Lord has done”🎵 Just a few recorded before 2019 ends: Chilled fresh air to breathe, eyes to see, ears to hear, tastebuds, goose bumps, a nose to smell whats cookin or bloomin, fingers to pinch with, lips to render a holy kiss, laughter, belonging…

KISS 2020

Lets keep it simple saints (KISS) and in 2020 let us resolve to thrive by offering the same forgiveness we have received.  We can easily SMILE in the assurance that we are loved.  Our heavenly Papa will do NEW things in the lives of all those who look to Him in the New Year.  He…