Tree of Peace

On Christmas Eve 1914, a miracle occured in the midst of war. Two opposing nations were singing the same Christmas Carol in the middle of a fierce war. British soldiers were spending Christmas Eve on a French battlefield during World War I. After four months of fighting, over a million men had perished in the…

1st and 2nd Kings

The most important facts about the formation of the world are found in the history contained in the Book of Kings. The first king was Saul, followed by David, and then Solomon. Our Lord told king David that he would have a son who would be king and build a temple, and the book of Kings…

Better Days Ahead

I am Better than I used to be, and I am Better than I had imagined I could ever be. Praise God for His ways are Better than mine.  Better than living in the past is to choose to live in the moment assured that the Better days ahead – are a trustworthy promise from…

Sweet Beauty

A great way to start the day is to begin with music and gratitude.  Ralph Emerson once said, “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.”  Sublime music combined with glorious photos by Tim Janis. http://