Glory to Overcome

Every day that we wake up breathing is our personal resurrection day. We overcome by the power of our testimony. AMEN The word OVERCOMER actually means to conquer, to gain victory over something. The life we lived before Christ is called our self-life. It is made up of our natural thoughts, emotions and selfish desires which are usually contrary to God’s way. The life we NOW enjoy as believers is called God’s Life which is made up of His supernatural love, wisdom, strength and power. Putting off our OLD self-life daily is how we become partakers of God’s Life. God’s resurrection power is a steady flow of energy that is not dependent upon our understanding, emotions, education, agreement or circumstance. We ask the Holy Spirit to give us understanding, to comfort us in times of grief, and to teach us how to think when we are overcome with emotions. Before Christ, I lived according to my feelings. Each day we are given a choice of Who we will follow. Myself, or Jesus?

I wait for the God of my salvation, knowing that He sees me, He hears me and He loves me. His magnificent grace is sufficient for me — so I am quick to listen and slow to speak. Jesus spoke only what His Father would have Him say and He said “blessed are the pure in heart”.  Thank You Father for Your promise that the pure in heart will see God —face to face — and receive a crown.  Therefore, I choose to live by FAITH, not by sight.  The sacrifice of Jesus set me free and with His kept promise, I have been equipped to speak powerfully in His name. With great care I listen for His voice, His gentle nudge and His direction.  God chose me as His delivery agent, so with expectant honor — I arise and proclaim daily “Here I am Lord, use me to deliver compassion, grace, joy and kindness today.”  The Spirit of God knows my heart and He is pleased with my obedience. With intentional purpose, I capture every thought before I speak a word — for death and life proceed from my lips. Before the sunsets, I choose to repent of any offense taken, of any bitterness held, and because God has forgiven me, in obedience, I choose to forgive myself. We increase our faith by reading scriptures and the best way is to read your favorites out loud.

My son was a gift from God, born on October 12, 1971. I repost this each year on his birthday, for he is remembered with great love and a collection of fond memories. Feliz Dia de Madre Treasure up ALL the memories you are able, of each time God stepped in with a surprise blessing, a word of hope offered by a friend, or that moment you felt His presence overtake you. Then there are the countless, unknown times that the Lord prevented you from harm. Gladly surrender to His superior plans for you and your loved ones. No weapon formed against us succeeds, because He promised to finish the good work He began in each one who called upon the name of Jesus. The Holy Spirit issues us a double portion of grace daily. The Holy Spirit ever abides in us, and it is a choice to tap in, and to listen to what the Spirit of God is saying. He is our ever present Helper that helps us control our emotions, and our appetite. The Spirit of the Lord whispers into our spirit that we are the King’s kids, and we are most valuable to God!  He is the cause of great rejoicing even in the midst of pain! The joy of the Lord is our strength, and the oppression of this world is far from us, IF we choose to abide in Him. The HOPE that is the Anchor of our soul — is Jesus Christ. His word rules with all power and authority.  Give thanks for everything in your life, taste and witness His GOODNESS in each moment. “The Lord is my strength and shield, my heart trusts Him and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.” Psalm 28:7 —-As a doer of the Word of God, we are blessed by the Holy Spirit’s constant guide and instruction. Awake to the TRUTH, be confident in His plans. We plan our days, but GOD — His plan trumps ours with even more GOODNESS.

My heart is stirred by a noble theme, as I recite my verses for the king. The Girl I Was My tongue is the pen of a skillful, blessed writer. My lips have been anointed with grace since God has blessed me forever as His adopted child. Psalm 45 — My Father is faithful and true to fulfill all His promises and He asks me to capture every thought that I may be a blessing and not a curse.  God said “The words I speak unto you are Spirit and Life” therefore I listen and watch expectantly for my Lord to fulfill His word.

IF you are struggling with anything, take time to recite these Scripture based affirmations of who you are in Christ: I have been redeemed from the curse of the law; therefore I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon, or into this body.  By His power, I am an OVERCOMER! The blood of the Lamb demolished ALL strongholds and by the word of my testimony, that Jesus is my Lord, I arise each day with His blessing upon me.  Cheerfully I give and my Father’s lavish provision abounds unto me.

“Greater is He that is in me, that he who is in this world.” The Spirit of the Lord is upon me – and my faith increases by hearing the Word of God. My confession of Faith that Jesus Christ is my Lord – responsibly – I choose to deny myself so that I may fulfill God’s plan for me.  My faith in Him lifts my destiny above any seen or fearful circumstance. By my spoken words….I am aware of the law of FAITH in the unseen — that distinctly certain realm of God’s mighty — dunamis power! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and He is ever at work in me. The Spirit of the Lord abides in me as my healer, provider, and my friend. He is sustaining me, and protecting me. God has restored my soul of ALL that this world stole from me. The Spirit of the Lord is refining me, teaching me, guiding me and giving me words to edify my spirit. The Spirit of the Lord is testifying to my spirit that I am a BELOVED child of God. The Spirit of the Lord is ever present, for everywhere I am, He is. The Spirit of the Lord is my delight! He gives me wisdom and understanding of the deeper things of God. The Spirit of the Lord is my Source of truth and He leads me into all truth. The Spirit of the Lord intercedes on my behalf, He is my comforter and He gives me rest.

The Spirit of the Lord helps me to forget what is behind so that I may press on towards the prize — which is to humbly kneel before my Lord one day — to personally thank Him for all that He has done. The same Spirit that raised Jesus and Lazarus from the dead – abides in me for the express purpose— of bring God glory in all that I speak, act, say and do.  I was born again, NOT of corruptible seed, but of the incorruptible seed.

I am DETERMINED to only receive the best God has for me.  Jesus said that He only spoke what He heard His Father say, so with wisdom I speak only those things that are in alignment with the Word of God. Thank You Father God!  I praise You for all that You have in store for me. Thank You for creating me with the ABILITY to OPERATE on the level of FAITH that Jesus employed.   Thank You Father for meeting all my needs, according to Your riches in glory.

God magnified His Word above the name of Jesus, so I CHOOSE to speak only things that agree with God’s Word.  The Word says that “My sheep hear My voice”. Therefore I declare that I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit —as the Spirit of Truth abides in me, He guides me into all truth as He gives me perfect knowledge of every situation.

Glory to God, for my Father dispatched angels to protect me! This truth causes me to sleep in His perfect peace.    Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers, for they are called children of God, therefore, as a child of God — I fear no evil for God is with me.

Because the Holy Spirit lives within me,  I cannot be shaken. As I exercise FAITH in the unseen, the Holy Spirit is activated —to manifest His way of divine healing. I speak as if it already were because God’s promises are mine to proclaim.  God’s Word said it, and I believe it – therefore I boldly I claim it — and it is so, according to His perfect timing and His gory.  I speak as if His best for me has already manifested. My spirit receives all the words that it hears me speak, so I declare the Word of God to myself.

My Lord perfects all that concerns me as I let the Word of God dwell richly in me. I gladly follow my good Shepherd and I know and trust His voice.  He has given me the mind of Christ and I have put on the newness of His Spirit within me.

Jesus came that I might enjoy life more abundantly and I feel His joy rising up in me. My Father gave me this extra day for His purpose. I choose to be glad and rejoice in it. It is ok for me to experience His joy even in the midst of pain. I trust the Lord with all my heart and I do NOT rely on my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge the presence of God and the Holy Spirit directs my path.

More about the importance of FORGIVENESS

Like a tree planted by a rushing river, I flourish regardless of the season. No evil or plague comes near my person or household because the Lord keeps me safe. Death has lost its sting and my Father has prepared a place for me in heaven.  With tremendous certainty I REJOICE because I know that my name — is written in His book. Humble and Holy

My confession of FAITH is likened to the invisible thrust of an airplane. My faith is the mighty force that lifts me above circumstances or any diagnosis. My faith is what pulls me forward into what God has for me.  The law of LIFT overcomes gravity —and all visible circumstances in the natural.  Things that are NOT yet seen are brought forth by my faith in God at His word.   As I proclaim the promise of God. “By His stripes I am healed and made whole.”   God said it, and I believe it. Whenever doubt rises up, I capture that thought and replace it with a statement of faith.

 “Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 My Father expects me to pray, or confess my FAITH without ceasing, to believe without ceasing, no matter what I physically see. Confessing my HOPE in what I cannot see — YET — is called FAITH. I have been chosen and called to trust and rely upon my Lord. Obediently, I  confess faith in the things promised to come.  “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” My Father’s will is that I trust Him in all things. His will is done on earth, as it is in me, and I am His and He is mine, eternally. Halleluiah, I am transformed by the renewing of my mind! Whatever I intentionally ask for, in faith, I believe that my Father will exceed my expectations, every single time~ As I PRACTICE my FAITH, my exercised FAITH muscle becomes stronger! Mindful of every thought, I capture those that are NOT in alignment with God’s best and replace the world’s thinking with God thinking. What I confess shall be LIFE not DEATH!  I choose to call things as if they already were, with increasing confidence. AMEN and HALLELUIAH!  1,800 words of FAITH

With God on my side, no thought from man can change or alter my BELIEF and TRUST in the Word of God.  I am a partaker of His divine nature and I use the authority God entrusted me with to speak boldly in the powerful name of Jesus. AMEN

What is faith? The greek word for faith is pisteuo which means “to put trust in, to be committed to, to be persuaded of, to place confidence in, and to rely upon.” Strongs #4100. We have FAITH that Christ is who He professes to be and that He will do all that He promises. Faith is “the substance (the assurance and confidence) of things hoped for and the evidence (the proof) of things not yet seen.” Hebrews 11:1 —

The Greeks were specific in their language. These Scriptures mention all three functions of God’s power. “that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance inthe saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power (spiritual force) towards us who believe, according to the working of His mighty (control of emotions) power (strength and illumination).” Ephesians 1:18-19 “Be strong in (given dunamis) in the Lord and in the power (emotional control) of His might (strength) so that you can stand against the wiles of the enemy.” Ephesians 6:10-11 “Being strengthened (endued by His Spirit) with all power (dunamis) according to His glorious power (control) unto all patience and joyfully giving thanks to the Father.” Colossians 1:11 —

In the English language dunamis means “divine ability or divine empowerment”. When we became born again we received God’s dunamis power in our spirits. God’s resurrection power GROWS as our OLD self-life is denied. God also gave us kratos power, which means “mastery over self” So our Father gave us dunamis power, or divine ability to do the impossible, but He also gave us the ability to rein in our self-life. To top it all off, God gave us ischus strength. The Greek translation for ischus means the physical strength or the needed power to actually do the will of God. There are three functions to God’s supernatural power. 1) We function by God’s divine empowerment (dunamis). We receive His empowered FORCE in our spirit the moment we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. His FORCE emboldens us in our SPIRIT. 2) We also function by God’s kratos might. In Greek the word might is kratos, which operates in our souls to give us the ability to control our EMOTIONS. 3) We also depend on functioning in God’s strength. The Greek word for His strength is ischus, which operates in our bodies to give us the PHYSICAL power to accomplish His will. Scripture tells us that God upholds all things by the Word of His power. Hebrews 1:3 It is His saving, gracious, pardoning, infinite, life giving, sanctifying, healing power that performs the miraculous. Matthew 9:6 – Matthew 28:18. Romans 4:17. While reading “The Kingdom Power and Glory – the Overcomer’s Handbook” by Chuck and Nancy Missler — the Spirit brought forth two specific memories. Upon the initial writing of this post, my Father brought to mind my son Jason. The above pictures of Jason represent how the Dunamis Power of God refreshes my spirit with His assurance that my son is with Jesus, in a much better place.

“FAITH and CONFESSIONS” How to activate the power of God in your life. By Charles Capps

A book I was given after I had a few rough months of health issues. Jesus is our example of the resurrection and the life! When Jesus walked out of the tomb, that was the supreme manifestation of the dunamis power of God. (Acts 2:24) Jesus transferred this resurrection power to us, and to His disciples in order that we might accomplish the work He called all of us to do. (Luke 9:1 and 10:19) As partakers of the divine within, as we rest in Him, the glory of God comes forth, and He does a work through us. Overcomers are the recipients of many blessings. “For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory.” Matthew 6:13 The book of Revelation outlines the blessings of the overcomers. “They will be clothed in white. Our Lord will write His own Name on them. They will be granted power over the nations, their names will be acknowledged by Christ. They will be fed out of the hidden manna. They will have a white stone with their name on it. They will enjoy the tree of Life. They will be pillars in the Lord’s temple.” (Rev: 3:5 – 3:12 – 3:21 – 2:7 – 2:11 – 2:17)

3 thoughts on “Glory to Overcome

  1. Pingback: Fully Persuaded | Living Abroad

  2. ❤️❤️ Read His Word daily, Speak His Word out loud daily, Praise Him in all things, always. WHY? Because God is the only reliable, unchanging resource, truth, peace, and everlasting joy. Happiness comes and goes, but the Lord is faithful to comfort and encourage. AMEN ❤️ A proud Bible nerd here. Give God thanks for the ability, the opportunity, the resource, the open door, the wisdom, discernment, the protection, the rest, the anxiety, the strength, the renewal, His Word, the Holy Spirit and His nudge to just do it. AMEN


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