Keep Knocking

A heart warming story about the importance of childlike FAITH and perseverance. A pastor’s son said “I’m ready dad.” The kid’s dad said: “Ready for what?” The boy quickly replied.”It’s time to go outside and distribute our flyers.” With alarm dad said: “Son, it’s cold outside and wet out there.” The child looked surprised and persisted: “But dad, people need to know about God even on rainy days.” The pastor was firm, “Son, I’m not going outside in this weather.” With despair, the child asked: “Can I go alone?” His father waited and then said: “Son, you can go. Here are the flyers, be careful.” Delighted the kid said “Thanks dad!” Thrilled, the 11 year old boy went out into the rain. He walked all the streets, handing out the flyers. After 2 hours, with his last flyer in his hand, he stood in the rain alone. The streets were empty of people. He decided to ring the bell of the first house.

He waited, but no one came out. As the boy turned to leave, something stopped him. The child turned back to the door and began to ring the bell and pound on the door strongly with his knuckles. He kept waiting. Finally, the door was opened gently. A lady came out with a very sad look and gently asked “What can I do for you, son?” With radiant eyes and a bright smile, the child said: “Lady, I’m sorry if I upset you, but I just want to tell you that God really loves you and that I came to give you my last flyer, which talks about God and His great love.” The boy gave her the flyer. She simply said, “Thank you, son, God bless you!” and the door closed.

The next Sunday, the pastor was in the pulpit and asked: “Does someone have a testimony or something they want to share?” In the back row, an older woman stood up. With a radiant look of glory shining through her eyes: “Nobody in this church knows me. I have never been here. Last week, I had no hope, I was not Christian. My husband died a recently, leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday was a particularly cold and rainy day, and I was cold, desperate and lonely. My empty heart had chosen to end my misery. I did not want to live anymore. I took a chair and a rope and went up to the attic of my house. I made a noose and tied the other end of the rope to the rafters; then I climbed onto the chair and put the rope around my neck. I stood on the chair, alone and heartbroken. I was about to throw myself off the chair when suddenly I heard a loud banging. Someone was knocking on my door.

I hesitated to wait for this upsetting disturbance to go away. I waited and waited, but the door knocking got louder. It got so loud that I couldn’t ignore it. I wondered, who could it be? No one ever comes to my door or to visit me! I released the rope from my neck and went to the door. The bell was still ringing as I opened my door. I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw. An innocent child stood there dripping wet. He looked at me with such gladness glowing in his face. The boy’s gentle smile and sweet words went straight to my broken heart.

With the VOICE OF A CHERUBIM: “Lady, I just want to tell you that God really loves you.” When that angel left in the rain, I closed my door and read every word of the flyer he gave me. I went back to the attic to remove the chair and rope. I didn’t need them anymore. As you now see, because God sent me an angel of hope, I am a happy daughter of the King. Today I came to this church, to praise God and say thank you to that little boy. God used him to rescue my life from an eternity in hell.” The author of this story is unknown, but the message is clear. Keep on knocking on the doors of empty, broken hearts. Keep on telling your testimony. Keep on sharing the HOPE we have through Jesus for eternal life in heaven. The only thing we get to take with us are more souls. Be Steadfast

Jesus spoke simply and directly; “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Our Father knows our name, He sees us, He hears us, and we are called to Follow Jesus. People are moved to rise up in church after a sermon, after an alter call, or after reading a Holy Scripture to RESPOND to the whisper, to the Holy Spirit and REPENT and invite Jesus to be their Lord. Jesus called some rugged fishermen with two words – “follow Me.” Their response was instant. “immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” There was no question or debate, in their spirit they were confident that it would be worth it. The left their families, their fishing business and were gently trained by the Master. “The loving kindness of our Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to those who reverence Him; His salvation to children’s children of those who are FAITHFUL to His covenant and remember to obey Him.” Psalm 103-17-18 TLB – This scripture causes one to seriously consider what occurs to those who are unfaithful and disobey God? Humble and Holy

2 thoughts on “Keep Knocking

    • When I lived in Texas, the Lord strongly nudged me to drive out in a drenching rain and visit a guy who i had met at church. I knocked several times, before I walked away thinking he was not home. When he answered he showed me his suicide note, his bag was packed. When the Holy Spirit whispers “go” we do not question, we go. AMEN


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