Future Revival

Faith comes by hearing. Bless your soul with real belief.  Read scripture with lips that tremble. A national crisis does not end in defeat, but by faith we rise above! It’s not about the size of our faith, or how much scripture we can recite. It is about in Whom we place our trust. Obedience today guarantees us mega rewards in our future. Act and speak in accordance to God’s word and bless others and our future. Water the seed of faith that is in you. James 3

On May 30, 2024 Trump was found guilty and that was not a surprise verdict— the shock is the depth to which America’s court has fallen. Remain confident in a Holy Spirit revival that is being stirred by faithful prayer. America shall be saved—but the cost of her national sin has been great. The shaking will continue for a season. 

The rebirth of America will take a long time.  Difficult days lie ahead. But God is able, and His Angel Army waits to respond to the prayers of His people. What seems impossible is what we entrust to God alone.  A kid of great faith named David, was emboldened by God to bring down a giant that the armies of mankind feared. It was reported that July 11, 2024 is Trump’s sentencing date. We pray with great confidence that all things are possible with God.

Bless your spirit with an assurance, knowing that God never stops working to turn things around for our good. The kingdom of God expands within us as we agree with God’s Word. Trump could very well be a political martyr over the next few years. BUT God — has put His mighty power in us to tear down, root up, and confront the corruption.

“Do not fear!” Be strong and courageous.  Faithfully keep your eyes on Jesus. Re-birth pains require suffering and severe trembling.  Things will get worse before they get better. Don’t get caught grumbling and waver in your faith. God takes out evil, and He awakens a people who surrender their hopes in man. Forgive us Lord, we trust in You, alone.

We trust in God, NOT in a hope of a someone or a somehow. Victoriously we invest our faith in God! We’ve all heard; “Somehow, we’ll make it.” Or vaguely “Somehow, it’ll all turn out okay.” Our faith in Jesus is NOT a “somehow” kind of faith. God plants us all in our faith like a trembling  sapling— then He grows us up into what Isaiah 61:3 describes as “oaks of righteousness”. God leads us through deep waters. He gives us strength to endure, not just “somehow,” but victoriously. In Psalm 13:5–6, King David wrote his prayer to God: “I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for He has been good to me.” Paul was beaten and put in prison for telling people truth, about Jesus. The guards heard Paul singing, not complaining! Paul had learned to walk by faith, not by his feelings. It’s time for mankind to grow up and make a deliberate, conscious choice to trust in the Lord. Stop living by your feelings and thrive by faith.

Some trust in chariots

If the LORD delights in a man’s way, He makes his steps firm. Psalm 37:23 Knowing for sure and certain that your name is in God’s Book of Life assures us with His joyful peace. Plant certainty in the prepared soil of your open, listening heart. 

Is your name in His Book?

Sleep deep, and rise day after day and witness blades of hope in the harvest to come. Your tongue is the mixer of His spoken promise and your faith. The Word of God spoken by you, profits you as you mix your faith with the seed received. “The seed is in itself — and it produces after its own kind.” Genesis 1:11-12

I bless you with a living compulsion from within to speak only the words that agree with God. In faith, I bless you with daily steps of obedience to act upon the authority given by God. I bless you with situations that God Himself perfectly orchestrated for your harvest. I bless the choices you make which please God profoundly. I bless you with the ability to trust God completely during the worst of times. I bless you with the assurance of God’s faithfulness while you surrender to His greater plan. I bless you with the awareness of a full range of emotions and the choice to trust God, NOT your silly, Cheesy feelings.

He gives us plenty of line

We cast ourselves out to explore, and He reels us in, back in His arms.   I bless you with extra time to savor God’s goodness and to relish His favor.  He generously gives mecry during our deep dives away from Him.  — Listen to His voice saying “I will teach you to fish for all kinds of people which I will sort out in My way later.”

Gone fishing with my BFF

He can use whatever we  naturally enjoy to draw souls to Himself. God  faithfully blesses us when we speak a kind word, a  gentle encouragement. Offer a cup of cheer. Simply smile at a stranger this week. Be blessed in the hereafter by what you speak and do for another. God used the tiny faith of a desperate prostitute named Rahab, so be encouraged. God has a great plan for you.

I bless you with confidence in your Holy encounters. I bless you with a calmness in the midst of every storm. Know that Jesus walks on water to save anyone from sinking. —  Be blessed ❤️ Psalm 23:1-6 “The Lord Jesus is my trusted Shepherd, I lack nothing. He allows me to lie down in peaceful pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters as He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for Jesus is with me. His Word comforts me. Lord  anoint my head with oil;  Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.

Ask and it shall be given unto you, pressed down and overflowing according to the faith + obedience understood and applied by your words and actions. “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” James 1:22-25 Be assured that your name is in the Book of Life. Watch the astonishing book of Acts and rejoice!

“I am redeemed from the pit. God delivered His promised Holy Spirit into me. My Father has given me the authority to cast out demons and heal the sick. Greater is He that is in me, than the Liar who promotes evil in the world! — So when things go wrong, and they will — HOLD tight to the TRUTH. See in the mirror, what God sees in your situation. Speak with authority, and do not forget the power of God is in you.

“My brothers and sisters, I plead with you to be of the same mind in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. He never departs from you. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:1-7

He reels us in with grace

When the unbelieving lost say they cannot believe in what God has already accomplished, it is not a mental problem; it is a matter of the will of the heart—they do not want to believe. God is patient and merciful even when people admit they doubt. The roadblock to believing, is a mental hurdle which on our own, without faith in God — we cannot overcome. Build up your faith by hearing and obey gladly. The fruit of our faith is in the steps we take trusting God. We must mix our faith with action. Faith is a gift from God that we must receive and nurture by practicing our faith. TRUTH: Without faith, no soul can please God.  Faith the size of a tiny seed, just one Word from God, is big enough to cause us to leap over any hurdle, mountain, or roadblock. The problem is NOT in the size of our faith, but Who we put our faith in.

Be careful of what and who fills our ears.   Faith in a LIE causes the sin of unbelief. Selfishly, in the past, we forced our will to be done, not Gods.  Obstinately, we held onto our resistance, our defiance. Any unbelief in God is a sin, but when confessed, God forgives.  Don’t loose God’s blessings — Don’t deceive youself and run from God. Pride, is the  sin that God hates. Our reservation to trust God and believe by faith keeps us in the Liar’s winning hand.  Choose to CONFESS His Word, and BELIEVE His perfect way.  Jesus is our Best Friend Forever. BFF Hang Out

Speak to your spirit directly.   Bless His Eternal Dwelling Place. Jesus Christ our Lord be exalted. Be stilled by His holy Presence – and know that Jesus is Lord.  Bless you!

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