Like a Rose

Sing praise ” Above all powers, above all kings, above all nature and all created things. Above all wisdom and all the ways of man—You were here before the world began.… Above all kingdoms, above all thrones, above all wonders the world has ever known. Above all wealth and treasures of the earth…there’s no way to…

Heed His Call

We tend to hope that we please others way more than we trust that God loves us. “Do they like me or approve of my passion?” Jeremiah was hated by many and he wrote something worth clinging to. “I am radiant with joy over the goodness of the Lord. And my life is like a…

Sleep in Peace

Know that our Lord fights for us while we are silent and sleeping. The darts and flames shall not consume us. Our Lord has compassion for us. We are established in His righteousness. Know weapon formed against us shall succeed. The Lord guides us continually and what has been stolen shall be restored. We count…


Bless my soul and spirit Lord. I bless you____with life affirming relationships. Your Father created you to receive His Spirit in your heart that you might spiritually bless others. God will bring you other people who will cause your spirit to leap for joy. I bless you with the eyes to recognize those folks who…

Lofty Thoughts

Read a book and expand your territory of thought. I am now reading “You were Born for This” by Bruce Wilkinson Making the miraculous happen daily instead of rarely requires saying “Yes” to God. “here I am use me.”. Trusting that God wants to use us regularly to shine His light and to help others…

Are you Desperate?

Be Alert   One definition for DESPERATE is “to have a great need or desire for something.” Seeking the face of God with earnest prayer is to feel a burning desperation to encounter more of God personally.   “I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently will find Me.” Proverbs 8:17 – “And my…

Slumber Sweet

Abide in my dreams Lord,until the glow of sunrise. Abide with me now, The day is done and gone;Cause me sleep. As evening falls;A starry night calls. Close my eyes to rest, to welcome my holy guest.Within my heart abide.O Savior, a time to slumber, Angels without number,Abide as my dream.Resting in Thy whisper …Usher…