Soul Satisfied

The carnivore way of eating keeps life simple. Whipping up a hearty, binge ending meal is easy when you keep your fridge stocked with meat, bacon, heavy whipping cream and eggs. Cover the bottom of your favorite cast iron pan with heavy whipping cream. Add 2 tablespoons of butter and stir over a low heat. Cut up 8 precooked bacon slices into the pan, stir as it bubbles up. Crack a few eggs on top, cover and simmer with tight lid. Serve with a piping hot cup of coffee that floats with HWC. Ahhh, life is good as I woke up 4 pounds lighter! Soul Satisfied and filled with HOPE for my future.

A sizzling CHOP with baked GARLIC

2 thoughts on “Soul Satisfied

  1. Loss of appetite is a signature impact of carnivore. You’re right about putting the accent on fat – for fat-adaptation, subsequent energy, and nutrition. I would not force feed, but stay hydrated with a little salt, and let hunger happen, because it will. Calories do still play a role in carnivore, that role is misunderstood by many carnivore spokespersons. It’s the kind of calories that matter. So lower calories BUT calories that will get you into ketosis (fat, animal protein) should not stall weight loss for long.


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